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George W's Day Off


Wow, this video's atrocious. The authors have no concept of comedy whatsoever. Take, for instance, the comics section of the newspaper. "Bush" sits down to read the funny pages....lame. Take 2? Bush sits down, opens up the NY Times, and starts reading....only to throw the meat of the paper away, revealing the funny pages. Still, a lame idea, but my execution of it is 30x funnier. I should get my own TV show.


^^^with 20 minutes before work, i think setting up a digital camera with video on it was pretty quick and painless. I hate this video too, and it wasnt meant to be "important" it was meant to be, "hur hur the president are dumb hur hur"

i say you make a remake... say... Bushs Day Off: Reloaded

Anywho, im glad I made it over to this site too. Now I only wish I put more effort into this video when I made it. I still weird myself out at the video game scene.. errrrp.


There's much more creative ways you could use that mask. Like, say....walking into a bank with it on to make a deposit.

Or if you decide to remake this clip, definitely work on the brevity, and add some fourth-wall elements, like when you sip from the mug, let the coffee dribble down your mouth and all over your clothes, because we realize you're wearing a mask and probably can't drink from the mug. Throw in a two-second clip of Bush jerking off to porn on a computer (adds a level of paradox to the mix; AKA "the internets"). Etc.

James Roesays...


Maybe with the video games you should have included some in game shots of bush playing Counter Strike or something, with people saying wtf omg Wall hack you are teh lame. Also in the comedy scene maybe him reading some anti muslim jokes or jew jokes, also a dick cheney combo video game session of duck hunt with senseless president blasting would be apropos at the moment. It's pretty sweet that this site has enough viewership that people are finding their own shit on it, i believe its like 5 days old. Team Mefi for the win.


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