Garland Robinette: 14 Scary Truths about BP Oil Leak

WWL's Garland Robinette outlines 14 scary truths about the BP Gulf Oil leak during his radio show.

Apparently almost exactly the same oil problem/breach/leak happened about 31 years ago in the same oilfield, just a few miles away, at a lesser depth, closer to 500 feet. I haven't had a chance to search to confirm this rumor yet.


DO NOT listen to people like this guy. He knows absolutely fuckall about this, and is making false connections, uses political innuendo and wacked data every step of the way.

THEOILDRUM.COM is the primary source of knowledge here. Not some douchebag radio talk show host.

I will debunk a few of his points, but the rest of them are just as wrong.

1 - skipped safety test = TRUE.
However, MMS were Bush crew. He's trying to push this on Obama, but to go through every contract, every test, every government contract and every employee in every arm of the government is an unbelievably mountainous task. Our gov fucked up big time. But this is due to Bush/Cheney's gutting of government oversight and regulation, and hiring cronies or completely unqualified lackeys for incredibly important positions. Not some unspecified nefarious Obama reasoning.

2- Halliburton's "Seal" = MOSTLY FALSE
(this guy calls it a "seal", which shows he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about)
Halliburton followed/s ******* *********'s specifications and instructions. From all accounts, Halliburton warned ******* *********several times of the risks involved in the cement plug and cmt centering devices in the BOP. ******* *********overruled them every time.

"Halliburton, the cementing contractor, advised ******* *********to install numerous devices to make sure the pipe was centered in the well before pumping cement, according to Halliburton documents, provided to congressional investigators and seen by the Journal. Otherwise, the cement might develop small channels that gas could squeeze through.

In an April 18 report to ******* *********Halliburton warned that if ******* *********didn’t use more centering devices, the well would likely have “a SEVERE gas flow problem.” Still, ******* *********decided to install fewer of the devices than Halliburton recommended—six instead of 21"

3- Dispersants with the "blessing" of EPA = FALSE
The EPA has told ******* *********time and time again to stop using the dispersant "Corexic" altogether and to use SeatBrat 4, which dissolves into an organic compound in just four days. There is no truth that Corexic is illegal in the UK. The truth is exactly opposite of what this guy claims.

4- ******* *********= Corexic Disperant = FALSE
The company who makes Corexic is a consortium that includes Blackstone, Apollo and Goldman Sachs. They are called Nalco. 2 out of 14 Directors of Nalco were also Directors for ******* ********* They were NOT "the executives".

5- ******* *********didn't release video = TRUE
But, contrary to what he says, Sec Ken Salazar demanded video be released, and we've now had some three weeks of live video footage from at least 6 different cameras.

6- ******* *********refused to let scientists measure leak = TRUE
But, contrary to what he says, we now know the leak is NOT 20x greater than ******* *********'s figure.

Basically, this guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He's using one-sourced claims backed by "IF this story is true", making way false connections, and from what I can gather, basically lying out of his ass to be at the top of the Fear Monger class.

Yes, this is an unbelievably horrible moment in our history as a species, but listening to people like this with absolutely zero background in any of the industries related fields, and with no empirical facts whatsoever, is exactly the opposite of who anyone should be listening to.

Again THEOILDRUM.COM is the primary resource for all oil spill knowledge. Shut the rest of these people off. Listen to what the experts, scientists, engineers and technicians have to say.

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