Fox News interviews Diebold voting machine hacker/professor


You need a Princeton Professor and two students to confirm that a "computer" voting machine can be hacked? Ok... I don't think anyone here didn't know that*SARCASM On a side not he published his results before they could be looked over for release in a peer reviewed journal. Why, so he could get the publicity before election otherwise his publication would have come out after election and no one would have given a sh!t. I've seen this same story article on all major news networks.


"Flawed voting system?" Yet another example of the news not actually telling us but asking us O_O Soon fox news will give up the charade and just make a current events trivial pursuit game show.


zeth_rb asked, "You need a Princeton Professor and two students to confirm that a "computer" voting machine can be hacked?"

Yes. There's a difference between stating that something is or isn't true, (i.e., Diebold machines are flawed) and proving that the flaw exists.


I was being sarcastic oohahh, hence the word sarcasm with an asterik . Did you even read what I said? Also I said that if he wants to publish his findings he has to go through a rigirous process of having his work verified for publication. He went public first to get some attention while voting machines are on peoples minds for the election. Hence whether ir can be verified by his peers as being true.


"if he wants to publish his findings he has to go through a rigirous process of having his work verified for publication. He went public first to get some attention while voting machines are on peoples minds for the election"

/rant_mode 1

Oh, pull yer frickin' head out! These "voting machines" are just motherboards, cpus, memory, and software (or firmware).... same as your daddy's computer that your pecking on now. Any nub with an internet connection can hack it in a couple minutes by d'ling said "virus" and putting it on a bootable SD card (or whatever kind of card the machine accepts). This isn't String Theory, and certainly doesn't need the sort of peer review you are espousing. It's a relatively simple thing to do, and any second-year CS major would understand the method and the programming code used to boot the machine (or "load the virus"). He should be APPLAUDED for "going public", so take your pathetic, nut-job, conspiracy lunacy and call it in to "Fox and Friends" tomorrow morning where there will be an entire audience of lemmings and dittoheads you can impress.

/rant_mode 0

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