Forrest Griffin vs Stephan Bonner

This is byfar the best fight I have ever seen...

Imagine if you will that you and the other guy on the other side of the ring have trained months for this moment as both of you are inches away from getting a six figure contract, but only one of you will get it and the other's dreams would be shattered...

This was the motivation that drives this match... Both men realized that if they didn't win, their dreams would be over... And that is something they don't want to happen...

>> ^kulpims:
hey, who won?

A very good question...

You see, this whole match was just like what you just saw... nonstop chaos and the crowd was going insane with everyone thinking there was going to be a 4th round...

Alas it came down to a decision (even though there were times a KO was possible) and it was Forrest Griffin who came out on top just barely and won the six figure contract...

However to show that there were no losers, Dana White (I believe that is his name) also gave the runner up, Stephan Bonner, a six figure contract as well...

It was the perfect ending to what seems like the perfect UFC fight...

I really got to find the 2nd part of this and to show how the fight ended...


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