the test begins... now.

^ still workin' fine here.

but youtube and other sites have been very wonky, for the last couple weeks.
see if maybe youtube lets you watch the source clip, or if you just get their little spinning loadscreen...


that's f'ed up. i'm still able to watch it just fine. here & at yt.

but yeah, this has been going on for over a month, at YouTube, and elsewhere. i uploaded a 1-minute little joke, couple weeks back, that half my firends couldn't watch, while the other half saw it just fine.

and, that same day? hotmail was down for most of the day as well, and it hadn't been unavailable for years 'til then.

very wonky...


Never really cared for their music vids. But songs are awesome. Damn, I miss my roommate back in college, he was a huge fan of Flaming Lips and Apollo Sunshine.

IssyKat, if all else fails, Requeue!

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