Filipino Eggrolls Ala Choggie

Mighty crispy [and the egg rolls are too!] Based on a contest submission by our very own Pumkinandstorm.

They're too thick. You need to roll them more tightly and use less filling. I know the veggie ones are harder to do thinly because of the fodder.

The funnest part about lumpia: rolling party!


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They were thick -I pictured standard small egg roll sized instead of taquito-gauged....more rolling! That last pile there was round 5-We killed about 20 between 3 peeps in about 30 minutes....tasty-I've done all the deep-frying I'll do for the entire year!


The good thing about these (at least the meat ones) is that you can roll 'em and put them in the freezer so that whenever you feel the need for fried goodness you can fry 'em up


They were thick -I pictured standard small egg roll sized instead of taquito-gauged....more rolling! That last pile there was round 5-We killed about 20 between 3 peeps in about 30 minutes....tasty-I've done all the deep-frying I'll do for the entire year!

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