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"Feigning Interest" - Funny Josh Hopkins music video


Siftbot sees all eh? No chance of slipping that one in just before knocking off time when she[1] doesn't care any more. Good bot, stay on your toes. Don't let the terrorists win. *Siftbot *rocks.

[1] Is Siftbot a he or a she???


call me silly ... but isn't this the same video from the other day?? odd how the tags are almost identical save for switching the word "distracted" with "guitar" (maybe it was the beer that distracted) and "funny" for "comedic" in the title??

ok, ok ... maybe i'm a bit cynical at times ... *says quickly* i could be wrong!


i know, greenmenace ... i'm probably mistaken (it does happen from time to time). not to mention that i'm very tired! my in-laws are due to arrive from the UK tomr and you know how women are about having a clean house!

it's been a long day!


I used to be greenmenace, before you trigger-happy folks kicked me off without even allowing me a chance to respond to the threat of it.

I didn't get that reaction, James. I won't deny knowing metroville, since he used my computer 3 days ago (I was deliberately vague with LadyBug only because her initial comment made it clear that she was trying to get you guys to look into the matter and I was not inclined to help her expedite the process). I checked the terms of service (as metroville had failed to)--there's no rule against posting friend's videos.

Metroville didn't follow the rules his time around, and--as silly as the cabal on this site might have acted about it in the comments--there was fair reason to take the action against him that you did. But booting me based on a blind assumption? That's just childish.

James Roesays...

Well we went ahead and banned your ip because we don't have time to deal with stuff like this, and it might be a while before you read this. You admitted that you were deliberately vague with lady bug, and the video was posted from the same ip so in general I think that our decision was pretty fair. In fact we even left one of the accounts up so that you could continue to be a "contributing" member of the community. You weren't interested in being that, and your latest user name creation shows that pretty clearly.

I am sorry if you think that we are a bunch of self righteous internet assholes, or that there is a "cabal" running the site. In reality the site is a pretty sweet community, we add new members all the time, most without any trouble along the way. It would be nice if I and the other admins made enough off the site to justify baby sitting each and every hiccup that cropped up but we don't. Which is why we have tough love. Sorry that things turned out this way.


I don't think it's necessary to call people names, James (i.e. "hicks"). From what I can tell, greenmenace's criticisms were behavior-based and didn't stoop to that level. On the larger issue, do you think it's fair to kick somebody off because you thought he was someone he wasn't?

James Roesays...

I meant for the word hick up to be hiccup,(just edited it) and most certainly did not intend to call anyone a name. I think it was fair to delete the user based on the fact that his ip matched the ip for the previous post. The decision to then ban him came after he created the user name "videosiftisclownshoes" which I can only assume he intended to use to create more issues on the site. As for you, I see you joined today and that this is your first comment. I hope that I can convince you we aren't trying to be mean, we have just adopted a set of policies over the last 7 months that have been very useful for lowering the noise level on the site.

James Roesays...

Also in response to your comment in my profile. We didn't ban greenmenace originally, we disabled the account because the ip posting this video was the exact same ip posting the previous video. To us this equates with spam, and judging from the fact that he knew about the previous incident he must have been well aware that what he was doing was questionable. We then banned him after he took an aggressive attitude towards the site with his next user name.

The only guarantee that I have that greenmenace is not metroville is his word, which contradicts directly with our ip logs. While this may seem hostile on our part it is merely an attempt to control the quality of the site, and if he was interested in posting his video here he must feel like the site has a relatively high quality bar. We want to keep that. What I don't have time for is tracking down duplicated videos from the same person or ip and then defending our position. Although paradoxically I am now caught in that position. The short and sweet of it is that greenmenace knew he was posting a video that had been kicked off the site less than 3 days ago for a similar breach of protocol. Then when he got called out on it, again, he started a new user id for the expressed purpose of leveling criticism at the site.

I could have deleted this criticism, and in fact did delete the duplicate one from my profile, but am leaving the other one here so that people will have a clear record of exactly what actions we've taken, and why. This is full disclosure on my part and something that I believe will stand up to the scrutiny of the site, if you would like I can send it to the blog and let people discuss it there.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

This is pretty blatant attempted VideoSift gaming of the system. Rather than trying to just slip new registrations in, and more posting of your self-promoting video - you would have been better off contacting us to try and sort this out.

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