Fat child miming

There's an advert here somewhere.....probably with something to do with diabetes and early death.

Upvote just for the fact that this is a huge issue, the tags tell us in what vein the submission was made.

Christ, this makes me so angry. With the exception of a very few, child obesity is the parents lazy, blind and downright fucking cruel actions that cause it. I don't think i'm off the mark in saying it's near on child abuse to allow your kid to become this big. It's about time there were penalties for the parents, unless some medical reason can explain it away. Maybe then they'd think twice before feeding their kids to shut them up or out of "love". Or because they can't be bothered to tell them to get off the computer, not taking them to the park etc.

People are intolerable sometimes


a buddha baby.
im with alien, this is child abuse, i think his parents have ruined his health forever, and he will have a life of what? probably diabetes, not a full range of natural mobility'ness in his body, joints grown wrong due to too much weight on them in the growing phase etc. sad.


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