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ponceleonsays...Keep her away from the religious nuts, they might try to exorcise her.
deedub81says...^Yeah. Her Dad looks really worried.
omnistegansays...>> ^ponceleon:
Keep her away from the religious nuts, they might try to exorcise her.
No way, she's speaking in tongues.
rougysays...It does sound like she's invented her own little language.
thepinkysays...I like babies.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, May 18th, 2009 4:23pm PDT - promote requested by deedub81.
ravermansays...OMG!!! The prophet has spoken! Run! Run for your lives!!!!
blankfistsays...I didn't need the pink colors to tell me this was a girl.
EndAllsays...>> ^blankfist:
I didn't need the pink colors to tell me this was a girl.
No kidding. I feel bad for her future husband!
videosiftbannedmesays..."...and then I said to her 'Wow, what did you do to your hair?!' and she said 'Do you like it?' and I said 'Oh [[Momma]]! Do I ever!' and then she pulled me over to the closet and started to show me all her new clothes. They were fabulous! She had a new summer dress, and the shoes! I never knew you could have so many. So then we went out to lunch, and we took her MG, you know, that kind of car where the motor goes [[buh buh buh buh]].
Yeah, we met Luke and Chloe there, but Chloe was already eating a [[banana]]. I couldn't believe it! I was like 'Chloe! I thought we were supposed to have lunch?!' and she said 'I know, I know!' and started waving her arms like this! Anyways, so then we ......"
maatcsays...It's Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat!
antsays...*dead -- "This video is unavailable..."
siftbotsays...This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by ant.
siftbotsays...Awarding oritteropo with one Power Point for fixing this video's dead embed code.
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