Entire aftermath of the attacks on Lars Vilks

This is the entire film of the Lars Vilks attacks.

Starting from when Vilks plays the film that the Muslims called pornographic that incited the attacks;

then showing the entire aftermath of the attacks, to the very bitter end.

The attacks on Lars Vilks took place on May 11, 2010.

Fuck this mob and everyone from every creed in the US, Australia, GB, etc. who think like them - that violence, offense, bureaucracy and censorship are the ways to enforce your world view and suppress everyone else's.


Never seen so many people want to not see a film in one place before.

After this I guess they all went to not go to the after party, and want to not get together to not get a drink.


Its obvious to anyone with 1/16 of a brain that these people are brainwashed with their beliefs, when you start chanting " Mohammad " like a bunch of fucking monkeys in the amazon ( one starts then they are all howling) and it cascades into this fracas bullshit its obvious religion has got to go.

Please take your idiot beliefs and let the door hit your ass on the way out. I am so happy I took part in Draw Mohammad day, six cartoons I put up around town.

I was appalled when it was brought to light it was in Sweden . " this is our country too " THEN FUCKING ABIDE BY THE LAWS AND UNDERSTAND your ability to get the fuck up and walk out not cause a potential bloody scene.

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