Frontier forums:
So, about 9 weeks ago Erimus Kamzel set out to explore the far side of the galaxy on an epic journey that took him through the galactic core, past nebula and black holes (incl. Sagittarius-A) alike. He's documented his journey in an absolutely glorious series of YouTube videos entitled "Distant Suns": On the way he twice came out of supercruise wedged between binary stars that caused heat damage, leaving his Asp currently at 24% hull and with a badly cracked windscreen. With no stations in that remote part of the galaxy and thus no opportunity to repair he's now been limping his way slowly back towards civilized space, trying to plot a path that will avoid any further encounters that would surely destroy his now paper thin ship, the Beagle 2.
Meanwhile another adventurer, R4nger0 (R4 to his friends) has been making a similar whisky fueled voyage in his Sidewinder (Sneaky Pete), why? because it's hard and FOR THE DAMN GLORY! as he would say in his daily "Crossing the galaxy in a Sidewinder" twitchstream: About 2 weeks ago it became apparent that these two, with some minor course alterations, could arrange a rendezvous.
Unbelievably, this meeting finally took place around 4:00pm GMT yesterday. The two pilots, with so much to lose, were naturally cautious about getting too close to each other but ultimately the whole thing went off without a hitch.
The OP shows the video that Erimus made of this encounter.
R4's unexpurgated hour long twitchstream is available here: Truly awe inspiring stuff!
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, February 20th, 2015 9:38am PST - promote requested by kulpims.
Kallesays...If you are a normal playing person getting 43000 LJ out would take you more than a month of playtime thats what makes this so astounding..
ZawashYou'd need 2-3000 jumps to get there at all - each jump takes at least one minute, plus the time to scan the system, scan the sun and fly to and scan any interesting planets and other interesting locations in the system.
kulpimsany other sifters playing Elite: Dangerous?
casonsays...I'd be interested to see the haul these guys bring back in data...if and when they make it back.
ChaosEngineYep, and loving it.
any other sifters playing Elite: Dangerous?
siftbotMoving this video to Zawash's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
Zawash*promote the Elite sifters!
siftbotSelf promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by original submitter Zawash.
oohlalasassoonQuite a while ago but I stopped - not so much from lack of stuff to do but wanted it to release and have a few more updates come out. Think I'll give it a go again.
any other sifters playing Elite: Dangerous?
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