Drunk French President

Here, for your viewing pleasure, the new, pissed French president. Translation in the comments.

rough translation:

"And now, I can't resist the desire to show you the beginning of the press conference by the new French president Nicholas Sarkozy at the G8 Summit. He's leaving his meeting with his Russian colleague, Vladimir Putin, and apparently he didn't drink a lot of water."

"Ladies and Gentleman, I would like to apologize for my tardiness which was caused by the length of my meeting with Mr. Putin. What would you prefer, that I respond to questions? Sooo...<shrug> Are there questions <snicker>? One here..."


good call, budzos. I heard "beaucoup" and he said "n'avais pas bu que de l'eau" which would actually be "he didn't drink only water". "ne...que" would be only (drank), but he said "ne...pas" and then "que". don't think it was sarcasm, but no matter which of the three ways you translate it, the meaning is the same.


kinda looks like he was just running down a corridor for a bit.
if he'd been for a meeting with any other world leader beforehand, i'd say he's not drunk.

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