Don't Say Gay! - the (literally) Hard Hitting PSA

An 8th grader PSA project has a unique way of getting it's point across....

This video communicates that its better to be Physically violent than to use a word that is often used as derogatory slang against a minority.

The whole trying to ban people from saying the word "GAY" in this context is stupid and totally pointless.

Children need to be educated that homosexuals are not bad and homosexual and gay or any consensual relationship is fine , but trying to ban words directly will simply make them more strong as words to use as an insult.

There is also no issue with the word "gay" being used to describe something that's broken annoying or idiotic So long as the person using the word is not using it as a derogatory term against homosexuals.

Seems like people also need to be educated about the importance of context in language and the history of the word "Retard" , or "spazstic" and how efforts in the UK to ban the usage of specific words and the renaming of minorities or support groups to avoid idiots using them as insults is futile.

having said all that its worth having a conversation with children so they know that homosexuals and closet homosexuals can be offended by you using the word "gay" even if its not meant in a derogatory way and that using the word can in the minds of others align you with idiots that use the word in a derogatory fashion.

Editing of this video was good considering it was made by a young student however it fails to be constructive against the issue at hand.

Getting students to make vidoes like this although a good lessoin in midea production , is not the most productive way to aproach this issue , lessons need to be had were from a young age children are thought empathy and the diversity of sexuality.

The method used by this teacher should be the defult method of teaching for young kids and would likely reduce bullying and singaling out of minorities and the use of derogatory terms against people.


Violence okay, sex bad. Just look at how movies are rated. PG-13 for violence, R if there is a gay kiss.

We Americans are so fucked up.

These 8th graders are just a reflection of what they have been taught.

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