GOP now officially irrelevant - Specter switches to Dems


When Senator "People Like Me" Franken is seated, the Democrats will have a filibuster-proof 60 seats in the Senate, thanks to Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.

Don't be jumping for joy about this.

Specter is switching only to save his ass. He would've been trounced in the primary, ending his career.

I am assuming he will switch back to GOP after the election. Specter is one of the longest-standing pieces of shit in the Senate, and has the track-record to prove it.


This really doesn't change anything other than the official number of democrats in the senate. Specter's voting is unlikely to change, so I doubt the dems will be able to break a filibuster on EFCA anytime soon.

What I find more significant was Specter talking about how the Repubs are moving in a more conservative direction and that moderates are becoming less welcome in the party. Apparently they think that their recent losses were due to Americans viewing them as "not conservative enough".

As much as Specter is doing this for his own political gain, I don't see many in the Republican party crying about it. If he hadn't left then he probably would have been forced out eventually.


Electable liberals gotta constantly rebrand, distort and hide their true nature. Obamarx didn't run as a "proud liberal" and neither did Shrillary or Swill Clinton; they ran as 'centrists', another fabricated title.

Higher unemployment, printing monopoly money, raising taxes and weakening foreign policy don't seem to be having any positive effects whatsoever.

It takes all of the lamestream media (minus those meanies over at Fox) to keep pushing this hype and failure while ignoring reality.

Even bowing to the Saudi King, the emperor wears no clothes.


When Hillary Clinton campaigned in Pennsylvania, she got 200,000 Republicans to change affiliation to vote for her in the primaries.

A good majority of those people probably voted for Arlen, and will probably continue to vote for him now that he's followed suit. I don't think he'll have any problem retaining his seat. President Obama has already thrown his support behind him and promised to help with his campaign if asked. I think he realized that any support from the GOP to retain his seat would be half-hearted at best. The GOP is in a downward spiral. For the last 20 years, they've alienated moderates like Specter and Snowe. Specter switching parties should be seen as a wake-up call to the Neo-cons that change is a-comin.

He may not be very well like by us hard-core lefties, but we would rather work with people like Specter than "Man-tan" Boener.

I'll use the rest of my comment to whore my new blog. I posted on this earlier today

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