Democratic Strategist slams a GOP counterpart on Foley


I'm surprised she didn't mention Clinton/Lewinsky, as every right-wing talking head does every time some Republican gets caught doing something wrong. This whole Foley thing is just absolutely amazing. It's as if all Republican voters need is ANY explanation or justification for the behavior of the politicians they support, and the right-wing media (well... the right-wing wing of the media) prove it by sticking to the same script for Republican scandal after Republican scandal... down-playing the offense ("naughty e-mails"?!?!?!), pointing out past Democratic offenses, as Cleeta tried to do in this clip, and blaming a "liberal media". Cliff was absolutely right... "That's just hysterical". This whole administration is an embarrassment. Republican voters are gullible, blind, easily-cowed, uninformed lemmings. Those that are rabid supporters of the GOP exhibit insane, blinders-on, cult-like fervor when engaging in any public discourse, as you have all seen here at Videosift if you've bothered to read any of quantumushroom, tedbater, or slyrr's vitriolic ramblings. Clinton got a bj (from a consenting adult, btw). Oh no. Impeach him. Absolutely amazing.


She did. In addition to calling the Democratic Party the "Democrat Party" the new unspoken law is to refer to Bill as William Jefferson and Hillary as Clinton. She says William Jefferson first thing though. But last I checked, getting some action is not as bad as trying to molest children or stealing millions from tax payers.


EM: Just to clarify, I agree with you that she's an idiot, but she's not talking about Bill. The reference to William Jefferson is to (Democratic) Louisiana congressman William Jefferson who really does appear to have been hilariously corrupt, including having tens of thousands of dollars in bribe money that he stored in his freezer.

Still it's no comparison to Foley -- what a scumbag.


I missed the William Jefferson reference, EM, but I didn't hear any Monica bits, unless she said it while they were talking over each other.

*EDIT: Never mind. I guess WJ isn't BC anyway. Thanks bellman.


Debate? DEBATE?!?

This has nothing to do with debate. This is two partisan hacks yelling at each other. The fact that I agree with one of them only makes it more disheartening. And honestly, this is not even the fault of the hacks - they are doing what they do because this is the only forum they are offered.

People should watch Jon Stewart on "Crossfire" again. This sort of talking head, no make that "yelling head" thing is, as Jon said "hurting America".

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