David Agus: A new strategy in the war against cancer

Traditionally, David Agus explains, cancer treatments have had a short-sighted focus on the offending individual cells. He suggests a new, cross-disciplinary approach, using atypical drugs, computer modeling and protein analysis to treat and analyze the whole body.

The systemic disruption idea is interesting. One of my best friends did Biomedical science during his time at uni and we flatted together for part of it. He had a habit of going on about whatever he'd been covering in his lectures to me regardless of my interest level. Most of it was just incomprehensible page long equations, but I figured talking about it was part of his studying method so I put up with it. Still there are things he told me that stick in my mind. One of them was a brake down of what an antibiotic really is. We are Biological, 'biotic' (not to be confused with the Mass Effect appropriation of the term). An antibiotic kills things that are biological. the strongest medically utilized antibiotics kill us when they're given, they just kill bacteria faster. Similarly, fevers are a biological game of chicken, where by the 'blind watch maker' hopes to kill any invading organism with an excess of heat before we dehydrate.
This 'disrupting a complex system' technique for cancer treatment makes me wonder if a lot of the existing drugs in our arsenal might have an potential effect in the efforts against cancer.

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