Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy covered by Jack Conte

Duration 2 minutes 28 seconds.

Interesting interpretation!

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, January 21st, 2010 1:39pm PST - promote requested by kulpims.


This pomplamooses, sounds like the death of every ballerina's knees and hips after thirty....You have to ask yourselves..."Who would want to listen to this without the viddy attached, and that more than 2 times before they are bored with it?"-Bet you are already bored with it....

(the preceding critique proffered by a frustrated one-man-band, WITHOUT a girlfriend)


...guess I'm not the best person to offer an unbiased critique after having had to suffer The Nutcracker whilst dating a corp member in the Houston Ballet who could NEVER be satisfied! (with her own skills and performance...had nothing to do with my cock er nuthin'....)


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I've got the Video Songs album- and it's in heavy rotation on my music libary- I find it very listenable on its own.>> ^choggie:
This pomplamooses, sounds like the death of every ballerina's knees and hips after thirty....You have to ask yourselves..."Who would want to listen to this without the viddy attached, and that more than 2 times before they are bored with it?"-Bet you are already bored with it....
(the preceding critique proffered by a frustrated one-man-band, WITHOUT a girlfriend)

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