Dan Savage tweeted that GOProud were "house faggots" for endorsing Rmoney, given Rmoney's staunch anti-gay stance. His blog entry on the topic is enlightening:
http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2012/06/25/on-booze-meth-suicide-and-goproud Excerpt: The hard-right gay Republican organization—a rightwing front group that exists to pinkwash the GOP—endorsed Mitt Romney last week. Romney, of course, opposes marriage equality. Romney supports DOMA. Romney has pledged to write anti-gay bigotry into the U.S. Constitution. Romney opposed the repeal of DADT. Romney opposes the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Romney opposes adoptions by same-sex couples. GOProud's endorsement of Romney, while not a surprise, was annoying, and it prompted me to send out this tweet: "The GOP's house faggots grab their ankles, right on cue. Pathetic." The boys at GOProud accused me of using a hate term and claimed that I had bullied them. For the record, boys, this is what the bullying of an adult looks like. Politically-active adults taking the piss out of each other—and you guys have called me all sorts of lovely names—isn't bullying. And "faggot" is a word I've used to describe myself (on MSNBC!), it's a term I've used to describe my husband (in books!), it's a term my friends and I use to describe each other (all the time!). "Faggot" isn't an insult in my book—that's why I had to stick the word "house" in front of it.
Mr Savage posted this video on the above referenced blog, in support of his thesis about Republican Gays and how they could possibly endorse someone who is so anti-gay.
messengerI wanna know how to say DTMFA in Chinese.
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