PZ Myers comments:(
Unfortunately for Mr Dallas Ellis, we really don't have any problem seeing the similarities between oranges and kitty cats — scientists look a little deeper than he does. Slice an orange and put it under a microscope, and what do you see? Cells. Slice a cat and look at it under a microscope, and what do you see? Cells. We find similar organelles: cytoplasm, nuclei, mitochondria, etc. The contents use similar metabolic processes, and we find the same chemicals. The nuclei contain DNA, and we can compare the sequences — and we find similarities there (they are related) but many differences as well (they are distantly related — one estimate for the last common ancestor of plants and animals says they diverged roughly 1.6 billion years ago). Mr Ellis is relying on his profound ignorance of the basic building blocks of biology to make a superficial case.
Let's not even get into his closing remarks, trying to compare evolution to trucks full of poultry and garbage colliding, and spontaneously fusing maggots and turkeys to produce the school board. It's simply more evidence that he's a clueless old git.
I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea that I'm a distant relative of every creeping, crawling, blooming, squirming organism on the planet, but I do have to admit to some discomfort at being related to Mr Ellis. An orange has evolved no neurons and at least has an excuse for being unthinking, and hasn't evolved speech and so spares us its mindless gibbering.
8452says...The stupidity of the religious is amazing. This is what indoctrination produces. Idiocracy anyone?
9058says...Yeah that closing comment was so thrown together. I mean come on if i was attacking evolution i could come up with a better convoluted argument than that after 2 minutes sitting on a toilet. Throw in some character development. Where was the trucker going, did he have a family? Did this new maggot bird species have trouble adapting to its new environment, did it ever find love? These are the details that really pull a story together and if he doesnt fill in those details we will never see the made for TV movie "Big Bag 2:This Time Its Personal".
You know I just realized if you put his bird maggot species together you get bigot lol
budzossays...Congratulations on a wasted life you crazy old codger.
Irishmansays...In fact we share 60% of our DNA with the banana.
Every scientific experiment in genetics, genome mapping, biology, physics and geology since Darwin with not one single exception supports the theory of evolution.
gwiz665says...I like how he's sure he has irrefutable evidence... that's exactly, EXACTLY, the same way that preachers have irrefutable evidence from the bible. Actually, "like" is not the right term, "disgusted and horrified" is probably more appropriate.
Memoraresays...yeehaw. they don't call it the Bible Belt fer nothin nossir, and Mike Huck-a-bee he'd make a mighty fine prezeedent yessiree.
(at 1:55 you can see Jesus leaving the room in embarrassment.)
honkeytonk73says...Ignorant. Hilariously ignorant.
Apparently a well edumukated indivijewal.
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lavollsays...painful to watch
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