“Jim from Oklahoma,” explained that the idea of a coup is already being planned by a group of at least 200 people:
Pulling our government down, pulling our President out, and putting him back where he should be [...] [using] the right to bear arms, it’s in the Constitution. [...] We need a coup, there needs to be a coup and if the United States military won’t do it, we’ll do it.
Jim confirmed that he was “dead serious.” Although he was coy about specific details, Jim said that he was motivated by homophobia and an interest in bringing back slavery. A second caller confessed that her own mother has been scheming against the government because she has been captivated by racist thoughts and a belief that “Jesus is coming to overthrow Barack Obama.” She pleaded for people to recognize the extremist threat against Obama.
-----Is this fake or what?
NordlichReiterGodamn idiots.
What an idiot. Using the constitution as an excuse?
The 2nd ammendment is there to protect you from all out war by a government. So until the 1st Brigade starts massing outside of bumfuck Oklahoma there is no reason for this.
Also you can bet your ass, there is a 3 letter acronym crawling all over this case.
Also, he said they meet every friday? Simple, start looking for large groups of people who meet on friday in oklahoma, specifically large groups of white people.
All I have to say is they better stay the fuck out, and chill out. Cause if they fuck up my World Of Warcraft/Left4Dead/TF2 time because of Martial Law then I'm going to be shit pissed off.
westylol America is in the stone ages , i know its not the majority of the population but amerca has a real problem of uneducated people that simply dont have anny resaon or a clue as to what is going on.
EMPIREsays...I wish they do it. I do. Not because I want them to succeed, that's impossible.. 200 morons couldn't do it, and that's a good thing.
No... I want them to do it, so it can end violently for them, because it's pretty obvious people like these have no possible redemption, and no fucking brain at all.
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NordlichReiter*promote the stupidity
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nach0ssays...>> ^westy:
lol America is in the stone ages , i know its not the majority of the population but amerca has a real problem of uneducated people that simply dont have anny resaon or a clue as to what is going on.
For fuck's sake man, I have a hard time giving any credence to your argument about people being stupid when you can't spell. When you're accusing anyone of being clueless or uneducated, you might want to do a quick spell check.
chilaxeBTW, we have a big problem... if our coup is successful and we are transported back to 1609, does that mean we will no longer have the 2nd amendment?!
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