John M. Foley, MD describes his observations: "The circumcision of a newborn boy is a spectacle so appalling and revolting in its cruelty that, on their first encounter with the ordeal, many robust medical students faint. The infant's arms and legs are tied down securely spread-eagled onto a molded Circumstraint Board, with his genitals exposed. The foreskin opening in a newborn is normally very small, to prevent entry of foreign matter. The first stage of circumcision is to grasp the foreskin with forceps and widen this opening. Since the foreskin is attached to the glans by a still developing membrane called the synechia this requires the foreskin and synechia to be torn apart. Naturally this is excruciatingly painful and the infant screams in terror and pain. Next, ignoring the infant's trauma, forceps are used to pull the entire foreskin and much of the penile shaft skin through a clamp, the clamp's screw is tightened and left in place for several minutes for crush to take place. The tissue is then slit and trimmed with a scalpel. From 50% to as much as 80% of the total penile skin is removed. In this country anesthetics are rarely used, they are considered unnecessary. The infant frantically struggles and screams and often vomits and defecates, before lapsing into unconsciousness."
cybrbeastI can't understand why this practice is so popular in the US.
It's a completely unnecessary form of mutilation which is only carries out because of tradition and maybe Jewish influence.
In Europe circumcision is usually only performed when medically necessary or out of religious reasons.'s the same reason why i shave my junk, an uncircumcised penis looks like shit.
westyDeadunDead. lol your coment is just stupid. fair enoughf in your opinoin a normal penis looks like shit. dont you think its a bit of a sad reflectoin on your self if you think the natural way something looks is shit. its a fact that if you dont have a 4skin sexaual activities dont feal as good. + your going to get rubbing of the most sensative part of the penis desensatising it and posably dmaging the tip.
cybrbeastI'm not judging on what is more aesthetically pleasing, but I don't think this should be forced on babies. If a boy grows up and he still wants to be circumcised then he should be able to choose.

Almost all of us condemn female circumcision in Africa, yet many condone this practice? Seems strange to me.
What would you say if people put tattoos on their babies, or pierced them, or even branded them?
Why isn't anyone supporting this and voting
westyI think we should tatoo the bible all over the babby
Farhad2000Practices from times forgot will not disappear any time soon.

What sick degenerate ever invented this horrific procedure,
and what kind of barbaric, sadistic monster would practice it today!
If i saw someone torturing a baby like this i'd phuking kill him!
upvote for getting the word out.
cybrbeastToo bad this will be discarded
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