Church Sign Says: "Islam is of the Devil."

As sickening as this is and as much serious things as I have to say on the subject, the first thing that popped in my head was Kathy Bates in The Waterboy;

Fooseball is of the Devil!!!

Because red-skinned cloven hoofed horned devils ARE REAL!

Beware the leprechauns.. the leprechauns want to steal your gold!

Bird winged people called angels live in the sky!

IT IS ALL REAL, because the BIBLE(tm) tells me so!


a senior pastor?
he should hang his head in shame for promoting not only this form of hate,but the staggering ignorance he spreads by using the trust his congregation put in him.
fucking twat!


>> ^videosiftbannedme:
...and he just exposed Christianity as an ignorant and intolerant religion masquerading as a caring and loving ideology.

No, he exposed that some ignorant people know how to make stupid signs on the road.
Just like some ignorant people know how to make stupid posts on the internet.


The pastor happens to be right.islam is a religion of hate,intolerance,oppression and violence to non muslims AND muslims (and yes,i have studied their texts).They have no interest in "building bridges"; all they are interested in, and have stated this over and over again, is the islamification of the world. And, as gadaffi rightly pointed out, their rising birth rate compared to our diminishing one, will facilitate their goal in the not too distant future(based on current birth rates Germany will be majority muslim in 30 years).I am NOT a racist, simply a man, an agnostic man, concerned for the future of his children and way of life. Any religion which DEMANDS either cringing submission,or death,is a palpable threat; for us to ignore it would be a crime our descendants will find hard to forgive. Wake up, and stop being so damn tolerant to their grievances whilst, in return, they show non for ours.


That is absolute bullshit. The Qur’an teaches no such thing. Hundreds of millions of Muslims practice their faith and lead perfectly peaceful, normal lives with no desire to do any harm to anyone whatsoever. It's the extremists, not just of the Muslim faith, but of all groups (including atheists), who have their own agendas and desire for power, money etc. that are causing the problems. Your ignorance is as much a danger as theirs is.


That lady was awesome. She's outraged, but she's trying to be persuasive against the church instead of policing their speech. Good for her. If she ever wants another baby, I'm there for her. Cuddles and sperm, yo.


A10, you are an ignorant imbecile... and a liar. I doubt seriously you have ever picked up the Koran and yes, you are the very definition of a racist. You have lumped an entire group of people into one hateful stereotype and THAT IS RACIST.

I'm the one who is concerned for your children, as they will likely be taught ignorance and stupidity and grow up to be just as worthless as their father.


You don't have to rely on stereotypes to understand that all muslims are corrupt animals. Nothing they believe could be entertained by a thinking human being for even a second. All the pillars of Islam are retarded. Every line in the Qur'an is obscene. Every muslim country is a fascist hellhole.

As a committed extremist, I'm tired of you cowardly moderates blaming everything on us.

Hundreds of millions of Muslims practice their faith and lead perfectly peaceful, normal, vicious, immoral lives with no desire to do any harm to anyone whatsoever, except alcohol and drug users, and women who won't wear stupid uniforms for no reason, and reformists and apostates, and adulterers, and rape victims punished as adulterers, and the children whose minds they hollow out and fill with poison, and anyone who criticises Islam for any reason, and the list goes on and on while my patience does not.


burdturglar, your name sums you up. (turdburglar..jeez,highly imaginative, as imaginative and intelligent as one would expect from the name).I have no time for you, but for the benefit of others. Where are the athiest extremists? How many "religions" are currently engaged in the kind of single minded barbarity attributed to muslims? As for the "moderate" muslims happily getting on with their lives; Well, the "moderates" are on the streets calling for the death of cartoonists commentators authors or even people who name a teddy bear after their leader, all at the behest of their mullahs.Why? fear. These are the moderates that, just yesterday, condoned the halving of a mans sentence to 7 years after he shot his 15 year old sister dead. Her crime? She was raped and lost the family honour. Moderates? what moderates. If the extremists succeed i doubt the moderates will save you..As i said, wake up.


And here we have Ponceleon, another colossus of thought. look up the word racist ponce. My "race" whatever that is, does not believe it is superior. We/I believe in live and let live until threatened. And threatened is what we are. That is NOT racist. I am not intolerant, quite the contrary. I have no hatred unless I am told by the intolerant,brainwashed theologians what I and my children MUST adhere to. And as for my children, you have no cause to concern yourself. They have been allowed to make their own minds up. To learn about the "facts" of all religions and cultures. To question everything and not take anything as "gospel" As a result, they can discuss any topic with clarity and knowledge, sadly, unlike yourself..


i have to,it's too tempting. To ignore Enochs comment, which is a landmark in stupidity if he thinks that burdturglar and ponceleons comments are, even in the remotest sense, eloquent, would be a crime. I doubt he has any concept of the irony his name has to this comment, but he should look up Enoch Powells "rivers of blood" speech..Now there is a speech which could be construed as racist. But many saw it as a warning. A warning that was ignored, a warning which cost him his job and, only now, is being seen as prophetic rather than racist.


i was gonna be a smart ass but i think i will just say to A10:
if you had any real knowledge of the history,culture and contributions to human society that islam has provided you would never have written such a myopic comment.
it was racist in the purist sense of the word and totally lacked imagination.
i do not believe for one second you have read the quran,nor studied any islamic cultures.
your comment reflects a knee-jerk reaction that one gets from listening to the propaganda.
while i do agree that there are extremists,and these mullahs have taken the quran to its literal,and dangerous interpretation.i can say the same about some christians,jews,hindus,buddhists,but it does not accurately represent them as a whole.
this is where i found you lacking.
enoch powell eh?
well..thats a new one..
but go back a wee bit more:


enoch; you said you decided not to try and be a smart ass, then sadly tried. To quote your nonsense; "while i do agree that there are extremists,and these mullahs have taken the quran to its literal,and dangerous interpretation.i can say the same about some christians,jews,hindus,buddhists,but it does not accurately represent them as a whole.this is where i found you lacking".
You can say! Where and when, exactly,in recent history, have christians,jews,hindus,buddhists or any other sect carried out the barbarities perpetrated by islam? Not to mention their personal restrictions their subjugation of woman etc.etc. People like you are dangerous.You have no argument, you just spout nonsense.
i am well aware of the easts contribution to the arts,culture and science. much of which, infact, predates islam. You have no argument. you simply state the obvious which is irrelevant and has no bearing on the debate.
A piece of advice for you, argument is debate and debate is rational discussion. Keep to the subject and don't indulge in personal attacks. it only shows that you do not READ other peoples contributions and are only interested in your own, very limited, opinion. Point in case; pointing me towards the origin of the name enoch. My point, if you were able to understand, was that your name, ironically, was DIRECTLY related to our discussion. Open your mind and wake up.


i was not engaging you in debate,nor making an argument.
i was making a statement.
which you have lovingly made more succinct by your commentary.
how adorable.
i find it interesting that you accuse me of personal attacks.
i cannot find any.
calling your comment racist was a statement,not an attack.
but every comment you have posted since has been a personal attack on not only me,but BT and ponce.
for someone who espouses knowledge and debate,you seem to be oblivious to the circular logic you employ.
but lets say,for "arguments" sake,that this WAS a "debate",then the burden would be on YOU to disprove my racist remark concerning your comments.
not the other way around.
but i am no longer interested in your opinion,you have shown yourself to be quite content to participate in a circle jerk of one,and add nothing to the conversation.
your comment was racist.
throwing insults at anyone who disagrees will not change that fact.


here i'll do it because i care:

"muslim" isnt limited to one race... so really.. it's racist to assume one was talking about a race! even saying "their rising birthrates" doesnt specify a race... just an understanding of population.. uh... diaspora?

dont be mean to each other... save it for youknowwho!


Islam is an angrier, more homicidal and invading religion than most others, including Christianity. That's not to say that muslims are, but their religion at its core is.

I dislike all religions, but I have a more pronounced dislike of islam because of its aggressiveness. I'm tolerant of people, but not of ideas - religion is a bad idea.

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