Child Abuse? Mother Forces 5-Year-Old to Wax Eyebrows

Mother forces her 5-Year-Old daughter to wax her eyebrows On "Toddlers & Tiaras"!

Mother shaves 5 year old boys head! CHILD ABUSE!
Mother puts daughters hair in dreadlocks! CHILD ABUSE!

GTFO this is such fictional outrage.


The real abuse is passing on the belief that physical beauty is the best measure of a woman's worth and that beauty must be judged according to our society's unnatural and impossible standard.


>> ^joedirt:

Mother shaves 5 year old boys head! CHILD ABUSE!
Mother puts daughters hair in dreadlocks! CHILD ABUSE!
GTFO this is such fictional outrage.

the difference being, that cutting or braiding your hair, causes absolutely no physical discomfort. Waxing causes pain.


Normal people saw this and thought:
"What kind of mother would force a 5 year old to wax?"
"That girl is a person, not a barbie doll. Hmph."
"Omg.. the crazy mom is gonna traumatize and torture that girl like this for years. For something as superficial as beauty pageants no less. What a shame."

You saw that and thought:
"Psh. Fuckin' pansies. I hated getting a haircut when I was little too. Stupid false outrage. rabble rable."

And that.. is why you're a troll. [or just naturally a clueless jackass]
= P

>> ^joedirt:

Mother shaves 5 year old boys head! CHILD ABUSE!
Mother puts daughters hair in dreadlocks! CHILD ABUSE!
GTFO this is such fictional outrage.


have you ever had your eyebrows waxed? shit fucking hurts. especially if you're 5 and don't understand why it's even happening.
not to mention the psychological message that shit sends to your developing 5 year old girl brain.

my daughters rocking a unibrow. i decided i'd tell her about waxing the day she cried because some jerks made fun of it and let her chose if she wanted to do it. thankfully, i've raised a bad ass secure little girl who who just thinks people who make fun of other people have either watched too much tv and are missing several heart and brain cells or have parents who are mean to them and other people. so when she gets made fun of she's just kind of like "....... really??".

i hope she stays that secure and never ever ever waxes that shit off.

also, i wonder what the emotional fortitude and personal security of a little girl who's been waxed and teased and permed and crammed in ridiculous outfits and forced to dance to be told she's beautiful, looks like.

>> ^joedirt:

Mother shaves 5 year old boys head! CHILD ABUSE!
Mother puts daughters hair in dreadlocks! CHILD ABUSE!
GTFO this is such fictional outrage.

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