Chevy Volt: the most important American car... maybe ever?

Seriously, the importance of this automobile cannot be overstated. Petroleum lies at the centre of everything that is wrong in global finance and geopolitics. General Motors has been run into the ground, and this is the car that could save them or sink them.

problem with dule engin cars is

1) 2 engins 2 pay 4
2) morelikley to brake

i think electric cars could take off one day but i think dule engins wont ever e huge , could be wrong ,


The Volt can go do something of a sexual nature to a phallus.

GM could've "saved" the automotive world from oil in the early 2000s with the EV-1. Instead they destroyed it. The EV-1 could do more than 100 miles to a charge, the Volt does less. I understand it is running on a generator that requires petrol to run it, to charge the battery, to keep the car going. It just seems slightly redundant. I know, I know, it will use less gas, and that is supposed to be "the point", however, it is still keeping the public holding onto oil.

I don't know what GM thinks they're doing, but they're doing it wrong.


The change to lithium ion-batteries that have a lifetime less than the lifetime of the average car might be a big one...

I always assumed the EV-1 idea was trashed precisely because the battery technology that allowed 100miles per charge burned down to 25-50 miles per charge after only a year or two, requiring the replacement of what was probably the most expensive component of the car.


Yeah it uses less gasoline, but it's still made of plastic...

We don't need hybrid cars, we need new fucking ways of energy production and storage period. Thank the Marconi's and Westinghouse's


biodiesel is better. Heck 60-100mpg diesel is better.

Where the hell do you think the "electric" magically comes from?
Yes, dynamic breaking is good and 4-wheel direct drive DC motors with new battery technology is great for weight and maintenance.

But if everyone bought electric cars we would end up using MORE energy, MORE petroleum. Just because you think this is the best think ever.. it isn't.

Energy loss from generation to transmission to homes.. charging losses, electric motor losses, storage losses. Sure gas is converted mostly to heat, but you have less energy loss from 1 gallon of petroleum in a combustion engine, then 1 gal burned at a power plant to power an electric car.

Do you have the aluminum mines and copper mines that will be require to move all these gigawatts to people's garages to charge their "green" pieces of crap? We would have to double the electric grid to meet the need. We would need to build power plants and transformers. Rechargeable batteries are about the most harmful thing ever to the environment. Get real. Right now turbo diesel is the best bet, maybe biodiesel if we ever get a source that can scale to more than a few hundred hobbyists.


>> ^westy:
problem with dule engin cars is
1) 2 engins 2 pay 4
2) morelikley to brake
i think electric cars could take off one day but i think dule engins wont ever e huge , could be wrong ,

-Break vs. Brake
-Dual? is that what you're trying to say?

Sahry doode, I half a problem wif bbad spilling.

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