Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed (1975) Jerrys Breakdown

Pop Goes the Country - 1975

Congrats Swampgirl. I posted this exact clip some months ago and didn't get one vote.

Guess it shows that if you're popular here, you automatically get votes or something.

Still, congrats.


Goofball, wow..sorry to hear that. I wish I had seen it the first time. Maybe it helped that I put it on my guitar playlist when I posted it.

It was close to not making it though it was 6 votes going into it's 4th day almost.


No no, it's quite alright...what's more important that this great performance made it! I was just sad that it was lost the first time around, but it's great to see it make the light of day.

Jerry Reed is phenomenal. But to see both him AND Chet Atkins is just great.


And the Spanning Time collective adds that imprimitur of *quality that gets you about 6 votes.

It makes me happy when a video that died on me is magically rescued by another sifter's knack for tags, title, and timing.

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