'Information Revolution 2009' - Features clips of Jesse Ventura, Sen. Paul Kucinich and Ron Paul, reporting from Rachel Maddow, guests on the Bill Maher show, and others. Juiciest bits of conspiracy clips from 2009.. might make you wonder a bit more about what's really going on. (braces self for scorn and derision)

Ok... there is a lot of rhetoric, a lot of exaggeration... and usually I completely turn off this sort of conspiracy theory stuff. But there are some very good points in this:
* OK with preventative incarceration... holy crap that is scary stuff. I am taken aback that Obama would ok that
* Transparency of spending of the federal reserve... wasn't that a hallmark of Obama's platform? Transparency of all the spending? That should definitely be there.

But still... videos like this do what exactly?

Where's the call to action? Where's the direct thing that can be done about this?

I have a friend who is an insane bloody conspiracy theorist, believes pretty much all of them... but what does he actually DO? He writes letters here and there, and lives with his parents and does a menial job. No view to make anything of himself, and no drive to perhaps work his way into any position where he could actually make a change.

I find it very hard to take notice of the majority of those people who go on and on about this stuff because they just get incensed and write some letters and go nuts on bulletin boards, and yet contribute stuff all to society, and DO nothing of note to change what they whinge about.

I much more admire people like Bill Gates who become very wealthy and then devote a large portion of their lives to using that wealth for the betterment of the world. THEY I have respect for... people who create videos like this with overused and emotive music and sound grabs and clips of their favourite talking heads just irk me.


Oooh, and I also hate the implication that all those things shown on the tv to begin with are evil. Yeah, because damn people for occasionally watching something light and entertaining... no, DON'T HAVE FUN... you must be serious and researching ALL THE TIME damn you.

Oh seriously f*ck off high and mighty video maker, f*ck right off. Even if I don't watch those shows, doesn't mean I think that they are evil for existing, f*cking hell, you know, while you're spending all your time prowling news articles and bulletin boards and doing nothing constructive, a lot of us are... you know... working.

And we do like to be able to relax once in a f*cking while.


while this is pretty blatant.
you cant ignore the hegelian philosophy being implemented for the past century.
create the problem covertly then be the one to supply the solution.


Gee Spoko2, you need to chill. There is nothing very conspiracy theroy here. Everything being said was pretty basic, except that world government thing, that was batshit and an unnessesary component of american hegemony.


I saw the Blackwater video and I was feeling vindicated. That is because I saw them as an organization contrary to the Constitution. Then I came here and saw this video, and I was brought back to the reality of the situation.

The reality is, we are all fucked.

Nobody knows what is going on any more. There is so much going on! So who really knows?

I know one thing, I could use a bit more Ethical Critical Thought in any situation.

When I use critical thought, I understand how complicated the situation is. Then I realize it is way beyond fixing. The whole thing needs to be nuked and rebooted.


except that world government thing, that was batshit and an unnessesary component of american hegemony.

No, but see, I did say that there was reasonable stuff in here... BUT... it has that bullshit music to try and make it all seem evil and all encompassing. and then it does throw in stuff like a 'world government' which is that whole 'New World Order' bullshit.

Just because there are reasonable things said, doesn't make all of it ok.

It's like the 9/11 conspiracy theorists who say the towers were brought down by previously set up thermite explosives which were then detonated after the planes hit.

They say a true thing of 'where exactly is the evidence to link Osama and the attack or Iraq and the attack'. No real arguments there... but then they go on about thermite and molten metal and the ridiculous 'evidence' that they've 'gathered' to prove that the towers were brought down by the government using those methods.

I can agree with the fact that they went after the wrong people entirely in regards to who to blame and then attack, but I don't then by extension believe in the rest of their batshit crazy talk.


There's more to the arguments than all the talk about thermite, though. Take for instance the account of former 9/11 videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld. As for the thermite though, there still are some valid questions to be raised - a recent scientific study was released that added credence to these questions.. check it out, it's linked to in this here article.

And Nordlich, I can empathize with the way you feel. It's hard not to be pessimistic, apathetic, or just feel utterly hopeless about everything. There are individuals and organizations all over the world though that fight every single day to educate people and inform them of the truth. It's up to us to get involved and enact real change.


And as for the New World Order.. well it has been spoken of and written about for many years before our time. David Rockefeller himself is open about it:

In 2002 Rockefeller authored his autobiography “Memoirs” wherein, on page 405," Mr. Rockefeller writes: “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

The founding fathers warned of what would happen if the bankers and these individuals among the elite gained too much power. Now we see evidence of their plans more and more each day.


^ Or, possibly Rockefeller was thinking something like this*, i.e. that a world that's tied together with global trade is likely to be more peaceful.

What scares the bejeebus out of libertarians is that it also means they're likely to want other things that come with real-world markets, like a common regulatory environment, central banks, some sort of international court and law enforcement, etc.

* Not that I endorse Bullshit's smears against liberal peace activism, or general unjustified sense of moral superiority, but the central point he's making here is valid.


>> ^EndAll:
There's more to the arguments than all the talk about thermite, though. Take for instance the account of former 9/11 videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld. As for the thermite though, there still are some valid questions to be raised - a recent scientific study was released that added credence to these questions.. check it out, it's linked to in this here article.
And Nordlich, I can empathize with the way you feel. It's hard not to be pessimistic, apathetic, or just feel utterly hopeless about everything. There are individuals and organizations all over the world though that fight every single day to educate people and inform them of the truth. It's up to us to get involved and enact real change.

Nooooo, you've been suckered in by their utter non-scientific drivel too! What exactly in Kurt's writings did you find to be of any credibility? Really. He goes on about how if black boxes were destroyed, how come other bits that he saw weren't. Um... because things like that happen all the time when it comes to destruction, some things get utterly destroyed, while other bits escape seemingly unharmed due to the way their were thrown from the area or whathaveyou. I mean THIS is the sort of shit that the ENTIRE 'truther' movement is based around, these sorts of bullshit 'I saw molten metal, must have been steel, how could it have got that hot without explosives' SHIT.

Argh, it drives me mad.

And Kurt himself left the country due to the suspicious death of his wife where he was accused of murdering her. Which he has now turned into a way for them to stop him showing something or other about 9/11... which is madness.

And the 'scientific study'. *sigh* You need to spend some time reading the posts here because everything those supposed scientists claim as being 'proof' is utterly debunked.

Almost completely everything to do with the 9/11 conspiracy nonsense is people seeing things happen one way, against what they expect (the buildings falling straight down for instance) and then ascribing something they do know to look like that (a demolition) and forcing the facts to fit.

It's utterly infuriating. And you can spend a long time in 'their world' on the net and seem to think you're reading material backed up by others, but it's all a cyclic loop of the same stuff feeding back from one person to another.

Don't get suckered in.

As for the New World Order... meh, I haven't spent the time looking into it, and don't plan on wasting my time on it frankly.


gulf of tonkin,reichsthag,lusitania...
the examples are legion.
people do not start wars,nor do the majority wish to engage in them.
governments and leaders wish war and as the populace becomes more and more literate these entities must become more and more manipulative and creative in their efforts to enact war.
war is good for business.
traditionally wars are fought over land,resources and sometimes even people (labor).for thousands of years much of this agenda was hidden under religious fervor,but still had the same goal.for the last century it has been nationalism used to incite a war spirit.here we are in the 21st century and it seems the cycle is going back to religiousity.
"war on terror"?
why dont we call it what it REALLY is?
the never-ending war against ideas with no actual goal other than to perpetuate division and war.with no sound basis in logic or reason other than religious differences.

maybe i am getting too old and dont get the plot,but i do not trust those in power,because the powerful tend to only seek keeping themselves in power at the cost of the innocent,weak and those who cannot protect themselves.
through history this has been proven time and time again.
the people are always expendable.
so while 9/11 "truthers" may be almost fanatical about their cause,you cannot ignore the fact that the US government never answered fully,nor even partially WHO and WHY 9/11 occurred.
it was not bin laden,nor was it saddam hussein,nor even the majority of the people they stated actually FLEW the planes.
and it certainly was not because "they hate us for our freedom".
then WHO was it?
and WHY?
i do not have the answer to that but i think its a valid and vital question.



If you didn't know before, then you now know this kind of post is frowned upon here. No one wants to hear that Obamma is owned by the same people who owned his predecessors. No one wants to hear that he hasn't (and won't) CHANGED a goddam thing. Or that his rise to popularity and the presidency was fully orchastrated to play on the dispare of Americans dissatified with a awful Republican administration and impotent Democratic Congress.

This kind of post gets you labeled, ironically, by the professional posters here (Spoco2 said it best: Oh seriously f*ck off high and mighty video maker, f*ck right off. Even if I don't watch those shows, doesn't mean I think that they are evil for existing, f*cking hell, you know, while you're spending all your time prowling news articles and bulletin boards and doing nothing constructive, a lot of us are... you know... working.) who continually pump their version of reality here and have no tolerance for dissenting opinions. Unfortunately, Spoco2 also said this: As for the New World Order... meh, I haven't spent the time looking into it, and don't plan on wasting my time on it frankly. Which is simialr to the sheep mentality he railed against earlier.

Thanks for posting something other than the typical lefty dribble that you normally see here.

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