Cast in bronze - Carillon at Texas Rennaisance Festival

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Musical carillon performance at texas renaissance festival.

The carillon of Cast in Bronze consists of 35 bells with a total weight of four tons. It is the only musical act of its kind in the world, and the only carillon in history solely supported by listeners.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'music, carillon, frank della penna, case in bronze, texas renaissance festival, 2011' to 'music, carillon, frank della penna, cast in bronze, texas renaissance festival, 2011' - edited by bareboards2



Bronze, bronze, bronze, bronze.... Insert BRONZE for silver and Celebrate the new Bronzie-ness!


Hear the sledges with the bells -
Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells -
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.

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