Carbon Free "Green" Energy vs. Real World Physics

An interview with former "left liberal" Robert Bryce on energy consumption and the simple physics behind the green energy hoax.

No one on the left criticized Stossel when he was questioning private industry. But when he turned his floodlight on government fraud and waste and liberal organizations, that quickly changed.


while stossel may put forth a contrived argument,the basis is essentially correct:oil,coal and gas are the cheapest forms of energy still.
so while he glosses over the whole carbon imprint and climate change in order to take pot shots at gore what i found disturbing in its absence was the cost of cheap energy.

as the supply of cheap energy in the form of fossil fuels dwindles yet the demand increases exponentially we are going to see more and more military excursions delivered under the banner of "national security" aka:WAR.
the true cost of cheap energy can be counted in the deaths of innocent people.
i wonder how many people will turn a blind eye in order to retain the ability to drive their ford f350?

because ultimately in the end this cheap energy will become exhausted and humanity will be forced to create a new many thousands or millions will have to perish until that day?
when does humanity begin to view this upcoming crisis as not merely a question of continued prosperity but one of morality?


Stossel's intro boils down to: If green energy was economically feasible, wouldn't it just happen? Without needing to take goverment money?

But it's okay to take government money and give it to the oil companies... Fukcin bought and paid for, I swear.

And the other twit is basically arguing that it's too hard, and any contribution is too small to matter, so why bother. So much for the vaunted American can-do attitude, huh? A perfectly matched pair here...losers (ethically and morally), both of them, sucking up money from the corporate interests instead of even trying to make a change for the better.

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