Captured Audio: Canadian Border Patrol on Guns and Testicles

When working on a video project in Detroit the crew took a wrong turn and found themselves heading for Canada. It cost them over four hours and a usurpation of our rights. They were questioned because one of the crew admitted to being a gun owner. They had not aggressed against anyone yet their freedom of movement was non-existent and their property rights (including of ones' person) were ignored (and laughed about).

And YOU pay to support this?

waaa fucking waaaa.

These guys crossed an international border (by mistake) in a fucking RV and admitted to open carrying guns?! I don't think it matters which border they crossed, they are going to be scrutinized to the max.

These jag offs are lucky border patrol didn't dismantle the RV, which from stories I have heard growing up near Windsor, happens on a regular basis.

Guess what, Canadians rights are on hold when we cross over to the states. These guys weren't in a special circumstance, this was just business as usual.

Don't like it, don't cross. Don't want to cross, don't fucking get lost.


Man, Americans are so entitled. You have no idea how other people are treated at your borders. I have a German friend, born in the mid '70s who has to sign a declaration EVERY TIME she enters the US saying she didn't participate in war crimes during WWII.

An Iranian friend (who moved here many decades ago as a pre-teen) is so used to being detained she schedules an extra few hours every time she lands in the US. It's so common, she and her friends have a nickname for the room at the airport they get detained in. Apparently all those rooms have a poster of the twin towers, so they call it the 9-11 room.

So what's the real problem here? We search white folks coming into Canada and treat them like everyone else?

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