Canadian Student Suspended for Awesome Youtube Vids

From BoingBoing:

Jack Christie, a grade 12 student at Donald A. Wilson Secondary School in Whitby, Ontario, has been indefinitely suspended for posting surreal, crude, humorous videos to YouTube. The videos were shown in his Economics and Politics class, where they were thoroughly enjoyed, but when he posted them to YouTube, the school principal gave him a one-day suspension and ordered him to take the videos off YouTube. He refused, and was given an indefinite suspension. Members of the school's student government, including Gavin Russell, the student government's prime minister, took up a petition for Christie's reinstatement, but were ordered to stop collecting signatures or face punishment.

Christie has made an appropriately funny and profane rebuttal to the student council, which I have embedded above for your viewing pleasure.

When I was 18, I was writing short stories, some of them good, most of them awful, and several of them decidedly offensive. I sent them to magazines, sold a few, and had there been a Web to post them to, I would have done so. I can't imagine what impact a similar ban on publishing my creative work would have had on my future development as a writer.

Is there a link to the actual story? Just doesn't seem to make sense. I mean, if he had posted pictures of himself breaking the law by drinking or doing drugs, that's one thing, but really this just doesn't seem like something that would hold up to scrutiny for very long if they were just doing it because they found his videos raunchy...


The schools are simply teaching students how to behave properly in the plutocratic police state which they join upon graduation and join the rest of the work enslaved consumer class citizens..


>> ^ponceleon:

Is there a link to the actual story? Just doesn't seem to make sense. I mean, if he had posted pictures of himself breaking the law by drinking or doing drugs, that's one thing, but really this just doesn't seem like something that would hold up to scrutiny for very long if they were just doing it because they found his videos raunchy...

Not sure about a story, but here is one of the videos in question:


This might have something to do with the intro to this video: where he names a teacher, calls him a bastard and admits to never coming to class... probably not the best idea. I would think a 1-day suspension is fitting for such a thing, but what to do after that is beyond me.. I think a little accountability for a student's actions is a good thing personally. have some respect for your teachers, kids. trust me, they have shitty jobs


>> ^Esoog:

This kid obviously 'knows everything', and cant seem to get his point across without cursing. Not getting any support here.

You must not watch much comedy, comedians, or movies then. I feel sorry for you and the sheltered life you live....


>> ^Sagemind:

The Globe and Mail:

Oh, and here is his FB Page:

Oh for fuck's sake with the erroneous "Freedom of Speech" bullshit. Schools ain't the government passing laws.

If freedom of speech worked that way, the media would be filled with every crack pot and borderline psycho who had a personal axe to gri... ok, that's a bad analogy, but FoS still doesn't protect him.


>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^Esoog:
This kid obviously 'knows everything', and cant seem to get his point across without cursing. Not getting any support here.

You must not watch much comedy, comedians, or movies then. I feel sorry for you and the sheltered life you live....

Oh I do. No need to feel sorry, because I'm far from sheltered. And I can see the difference between a talented comedian or actor who knows about delivery, timing, and how to tell a story, and that of a kid that does it just because he thinks it makes him sound cool.


>> ^Esoog:

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^Esoog:
This kid obviously 'knows everything', and cant seem to get his point across without cursing. Not getting any support here.

You must not watch much comedy, comedians, or movies then. I feel sorry for you and the sheltered life you live....

Oh I do. No need to feel sorry, because I'm far from sheltered. And I can see the difference between a talented comedian or actor who knows about delivery, timing, and how to tell a story, and that of a kid that does it just because he thinks it makes him sound cool.

I see. So you know this kid personally and what his motivations are, and what he thinks makes him sound cool? Good for you! You have much more insight than the average person then. Or is it just that you are making assumptions based on his age...

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