Can you hide your geekiness?

Geeks are not known for their ability to keep their enthusiasm to themselves. Maybe you cant keep from launching into dissertations on Heinlein novels at the office party, but what if your life was on the line? (YT)

Episode 19 of Wired Magazine's Alt Text comic.

True story: Last night at the New Year's party some of the other guests started talking about the EEE PC, and how they didn't like the Linux variant because it was too difficult. They said things like "Everyone wants Windows anyway because that's what they're used to."

I didn't want to create a bad mood and start a heated discussion so I kept silent, but I felt a lot like this guy.


^Linux may not be too difficult, but people certainly don't want it unless they are nerd-in-extremus. I've logged my share of computer hours, even a few years of computer science, and I won't touch Linux with a 40-foot pole.


Hell, you were lucky. At least they knew enough to know what linux is.

The difficulty is always dependent of the distro, any *buntu is just as easy to use as Windows. Problem is that most everyone is already so used to windows that it's so much easier to just keep using it.

Me? I like both. Well, at least XP Pro, Vista just makes me shudder.


I feel like that guy too, because my job is shaving dog testicles.

Or might as well be for all the respect I get at work. <sigh>

And yeah, this stuff really does apply to talking to women in general -- actually to people in general.

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