Bungee Jump Prank

This guy was brought blind folded into a bachelor party and was told that he was going to jump from a 50 feet height but instead jumped into water from 3 feet above.

It looks like they really thought it through. They even had a handrail on their little plank.>> ^srue:

I'm glad they already had someone in the water with him. I was thinking this could go bad fast.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'bungee jump prank, bungee jump, prank' to 'bungee jump prank, bungee jump, prank, blindfold, blindfolded' - edited by messenger


>> ^surfingyt:

It looks like they really thought it through. They even had a handrail on their little plank.>> ^srue:
I'm glad they already had someone in the water with him. I was thinking this could go bad fast.

It was electrified in case he chickened out.

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