Bruno on Conan


Fuck him.

He's crass and, obviously, an attention whore.

But everyone has to kiss his ass, I guess.

Smooch the heinie.


Who else got away with that shit?

Mel Brooks? Woody Allen? Jerry Lewis?

Not even. Not one of them used people as props.


>> ^rougy:
Fuck him.
He's crass and, obviously, an attention whore.
But everyone has to kiss his ass, I guess.
Smooch the heinie.
Who else got away with that shit?
Mel Brooks? Woody Allen? Jerry Lewis?
Not even. Not one of them used people as props.

but isn't that the point and what makes the character so funny? i totally agree that everything about him is completely outrageous and distasteful - thats why we like him! personally i love his slapstick humour the most (e.g. the naked fight in borat) i think he is a talented physical actor and often demonstrates a keen awareness of his body, gesuture and space.


>> ^Abel_Prisc:
lol, Rougy is really trolling this big time. We get it, guy, you don't like him. No point in saying it 3 times.

Yeah. You'd think if you don't like SBC you'd avoid his videos. rougy calling SBC an attention whore is getting a bit ironic.

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