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quantumushroomsays...In the 1970s the big scare was global cooling. Make up your mind, doomsayers. Ah HA HA HA!
siftbotsays...Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Monday 27th March 2006 (promotion called by gold star member winkler1)
Farhad2000says...quantumushroom - moonbat warning.
bdschumansays...Scientists pretty much agree at this point that the "global cooling" experienced in the 1970s was a byproduct of radiation from the 1940s & 50s (nuclear testing, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, etc.) blocking out a percentage of the sun's warmth, leading to a short period of global cooling.
That period is now seen by most reputable scientists as an explainable blip in the larger context of global warming.
Unsung_Herosays...So to offset Global Warming... we should set off more nuclear bombs?
Baquetasays...Does that mean that Greenpeace and Kim Jong Il are on the same side then?
amxcvbcvsays...You got a credible reference for that, bdschuman? This is the first time I've heard that perspective, and no, I don't live under a rock.
choggiesays...and then choggie askes, "what in good heaven's or hades, Holy Cursed Fist or Fiddler's Fuck, can I do about wobal glorming? Tell me Mormon!? Tell me Moonie! TELL ME AL FUCKING ROBOT PUTTY, YES MAN FOR THE HERBIVORES, GORE!?? Tell me cult of subgenious!!, wait, yes, THEY can tell me-.....
L I V E!
intellogents, is sorely over-rated.
choggiesays...they real problems of global issues, can be remedied, once the emperor(s), wear no clothes-...seriously, if it's all that fucked, go have a tea party!
personally, sick of projects, designed to promulgate, unconscious awareness....
coreburnsays...weird, just a few minutes ago I was reading an article published in the NYTimes just today about the Arctic ice melting faster than expected.
thecosmicshamesays...This vid is awesome. The chogger is correct, however, that we have no current plans to reduce global warming in any significant way. Kyoto will barely touch the problem, even if it were signed into law, warming from non-human sources is immense, and the worst culprits per capita are the so-called 3rd world countries who are in no position to damage their economies to protect the environment. This problem will require global cooperation on a massive scale not seen before in human history (maybe World War 2? but then that hardly seems a good example for global cooperation. Among the allies at least).
Best get your snorkels ready.
choggiesays..."Aliens Cause Global Warming"
In 2003 he gave a controversial lecture at Caltech entitled "Aliens Cause Global Warming" [4] in which he expressed his views of the danger of "consensus science" — especially with regard to what he regards as popular but disputed theories such as nuclear winter, the dangers of second-hand smoke, and the global warming controversy. Crichton has been critical of widespread belief of ETs and UFOs, citing the fact that there is no conclusive proof of their existence. Crichton stated that "The Drake equation cannot be tested and therefore SETI is not science. SETI is unquestionably a religion." Crichton has commented that belief in purported scientific theories without a factual basis is more akin to faith than science.
oh, and, fuck apolar bear
fissionchipssays...*eco and *commercial too I believe.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Commercial, Eco) - requested by fissionchips.
fissionchipssays...*promote for head-bopping action.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, December 11th, 2006 2:34pm PST - promote requested by fissionchips.
antsays...Funny, my pastor mentioned BMG this morning.
siftbotsays...This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by critical_d.
siftbotsays...Awarding geo321 with one Power Point for fixing this video's dead embed code.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Sunday, November 30th, 2008 11:39am PST - promote requested by geo321.
Boise_Libjokingly says...Oh Crap! What did I do with my seat cushion?
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