The black woman, identified later as Maxine Johnson, had just been attacked by a white man, who walked up from his seat in the bleachers and yanked away a sign the black woman was holding that depicted civil rights icon Rosa Parks.
As the black woman was showing the sign to a news photographer who asked to see it, the white man, identified by the local press as 67-year-old James Winfrey, walked over and grabbed the black woman's sign and stole it from her. The mostly white audience cheered when the man returned to his seat and ripped up the sign.
When the black woman got up and walked over to get her sign back, the police intervened and separated the two. But the part that was shown on most television stories only depicted the black woman being carried away by police.
YogiI'm not sure what to think, but I'm gonna give some benefit of the doubt. The man's an idiot although I don't think he was against Rosa Parks, I think he just didn't like this liberalness or whatever. Also I don't really fault the police, an altercation happened, they separated the two parties and escorted them out of the hall, seems like the way to go.
Edit: "...only Winfrey was arrested. He was held on suspicion of misdemeanor assault." Winfrey is the Old White Dude. So yeah the police handled this correctly, which is the first time I've ever said something like that.
PsychologicYea, the guy was arrested. Signs were banned by the people who run the building, not those running the meeting (according to CNN).
The lady says that she was asked to leave because she is black, and would definitely not have been asked to leave if she had been white.
lampishthingNow I... I dunno, not having been there and not having seen all the facts, what role race played in that - but I think it's fair to say:
1. Any of us would be pretty angry
2. That the St. Louis police acted pretty stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own town hall.
ericdarkoAbout time someone made things fair .... NO SIGNS MEANS NO SIGNS ... were all getting sick of the unfair behavior minorities LIKE to exhibit !!!!!!!
NordlichReiterI didn't see an attack. Hyperbole at its finest.
Attack Defined.
I think the term that would best describes this is harassment.
I would vote this down, because I thought there would be violence.
jdbatessays...I agree, I don't think race was the issue, sounded l;ike I heard no signs, the guy probably could have just let someone know! Not sure if anyone got hit!
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