Bite Me with Dr Mike - The Gympie-Gympie Plant

(youtube) While visiting Queensland, Australia Dr Mike finds out why the gympie-gimpie plant is also know as the pain tree. For more information on the gympie-gympie see

>> ^Bruti79:

Is anyone else tired of bozos going up and saying: "This is a painful plant to touch. Now, I'm going to touch it."
Geez, personal annoyance increased. =\

Yes, now we have to ask him how much fire hurts.


What is it with Australia? Seriously. It's as if all the really nasty evolution took place in one small corner of the planet. Great Whites, tiny jellyfish that can kill you, mammals that produce poison, microscopic hypodermic needle plants...


>> ^probie:

What is it with Australia? Seriously. It's as if all the really nasty evolution took place in one small corner of the planet. Great Whites, tiny jellyfish that can kill you, mammals that produce poison, microscopic hypodermic needle plants...

As Dylan Moran said
"No-one should live there. It's a rock. On fire. And everything there is trying to kill you."

disclaimer: I lived in sydney for two years and nothing succeeded in killing me.

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