Bill Moyers Interviews On Net Neutrality (oops)

April 23, 2010.

oh man.
your right netrunner..
marinara pulled a bait and switch on us!
i didnt even look at the tags.i saw bill moyers and hit play.that old dude rocks.
but yeah..for those of you just joining us.this video is about net neutrality not lehman bros.


Hahahah, the FCC keeping the internet open, that's a funny joke. If it twice as open as radio or broadcast TV, then it will be 1 million fold more regulated than it is now. A better kick in the nads to comcast would be to abolish its legally protected monopoly status, same for phone and all other telecom crapola. Right now, the only REASON it is a problem is because people have no say in the matter. If comcast does some crap, many people have no alternative, as comcast and telco have enjoyed for countless years. This is another case of one bad law needed another. The deregulation of the communications business will have its own set of problems, but net neutrality wouldn't be one of them.

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