Post has been Discarded

Bill Maher's "A Farewell to Douchebags" 2006


Yes I posted the video on YouTube but the posting guidelines don't seem to forbid that unless...

"Please don't self link. While you may see this site as a great way to promote a project you are working on, it would be bad for our content if everyone just put up videos of them and their friends doing random things."

If you bothered to watch the video you would know that it is not of my friends and I doing random things nor does it have anything to do with a "project" I am working on or promoting.



The FAQ needs to be clarified when dealing with cases like this, any self-linking should be disallowed. Because using the same argument someone could start simply submitting anything and everything they believe the VS community needs to see from their accounts. The clip you put forward is probably available elsewhere on YouTube, so I don't feel like the sift is missing out.


Please explain to me what the difference is if I have video I think others will like so I post it on YouTube and then submit it here as opposed to finding that video on YouTube and submitting it here? Also no one could call this a "self post" just by looking at it has nothing to do with me and my friends or promoting anything I am involved with. It was only because I use the same user name here that I use on YouTube. If I change my username to something else than there wouldn't even be an issue.

BTW....someone else has since (7 hours after me) submitted the same video here and no one is giving that user a hard time.


Please relax my friend... I blogged this for that reason specifically and not simply discard it as I could have.

I understand your argument, and I feel the Sift Lords must meet to decide on a restructuring of the rule entirely. Your video will probably be allowed to return.

However I feel as the user base of VS increases it will be hard to police these kinds of actions. I also committed the same thing when I first joined the sift and I had my video discarded, even though the video in question was not made by me and wasn't available on YouTube.

Now sooner or later we will have to make the rule more specified and hard and fast so this doesn't happen again.

Furthermore to answer your question regarding the differences between YouTube and VideoSift. We are a sifting site, thus we aim to deliver the best content overlooked in the massive files available across the video providers. This is why we have a queue system to see which videos graduate to a certain quality. This is why there is a difference between VS and YouTube, you can check the comedy channel in YouTube and find more lame things then anything else, while we try to have only the funniest videos.


Believe me I'm relaxed...I'm just asking a couple of straight forward questions and trying to follow the logic here.

If you'll read my post again you will see that I was not asking what's the difference between YT and VS is. I was asking the difference between scenario 1) I find a video, I upload video to YT, I submit video to VS. Scenario 2)I find video already on YT, I submit video to VS. The only difference between the two scenarios is in one I upload the video to YT and in two someone else uploads it to YT.


It's a general theme at the Sift. You also can't (*)Promote or (*)Save your own sifted posts either.

Our strict rule functions as an "extra filter" step in submitting content. To get into the VS queue, we want you to find something that's not already "your baby" in the sense that you've created or recorded it off TV.

We treat the upload to the vid step as part of the creative process since there's usually some measure of an edit involved - for rare exceptions contact the admins first to get clearance.

There's more than enough material available online to obviate the need to sift your own uploads.

Hope that clears up the logic for you.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Yes, Krupo that's exactly it. Sorry, I know it seems draconian at times, but if we start allowing this, it's a slippery slope.

Lots of people upload their stuff to Youtube and put on watermarks, splash screens and what-have-you of their own sites. So that means that when they post to VS, their motive isn't "hey, I love this video - I want to share" it's "hey, maybe I'll get a bit of traffic". So Grimm, while I'm not saying your post is like that - we have to apply to rule to everyone.


Grimm, if I thought it was overt self-link I would have discarded it. I knew it was a generic video that was just uploaded, so I only mentioned the violation.

You could have found another version of same video on YouTube. The reason for this policy is that many people have these youtube stats, or channels, or retarded fan base, and one concern is people will post popular links here to up their stats on MySpace or YT. Plus, depending on the site you uploaded to and link to, you have the ability to edit the post, and you could bait-and-switch and change it to an advert or some such thing.

See, if you find a cool video, you should be able to just link straight to it. Only with rare exceptions are videos NOT already on one of the umpteen sites allowed to be posted to VS.

Just edit your post and change the embed stuff to point to one of these

And you are on your way.


I still contend that I did not violate the guidelines. I understand that you want to avoid videos being submitted if their intent is to promote themselves, their website, or their myspace/youtube page.

It just seems like you are going to be discarding submissions made by people who are being honest that they uploaded the video submitted while not being able to do a thing with the user who is not honest and uses a different screen name.

It seems to me that the content of the video should have more weight to it then just the fact that the person who uploaded it also submitted it. For example with my video it is obvious that it is not one that I made with myself and my friends. It has no bug on it promoting a website etc...

Oh well..I guess maybe I just misunderstood the guidelines.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I believe you Grimm. But we don't want to have to police this issue and separate the self-promoters from the honest uploaders like yourself. It adds another layer of complexity and ambiguousness to the Sift. Future poster:
Me: self-post, prepare for discard.
poster: But you let that one in from Grimm! (insert narky link to your post here)
Me: Yes, but yours has a watermark, and link to
poster: so?
Me: Well, are you advertising your site?
poster: No.
Me: prove it.
[repeat ad nauseum]

That's why we have a blanket ban.



Just submit another video, and you'll be in. You seem like you would be a good member, so find something and post again.

Ok, *SELF*-link means you linked to yourself. ie. your youtube account, your myspace video, etc.

You are right, if you make different usernames it is hard to catch self-linking. But I'm always on the look out, so trust me you aren't singled out. If something has 12 views and comes in from a new member than that is 95% likely a self-link, even if they claim their friend made the video, or uploaded the video.. I usually don't care, and that's gone.

Anyways, did you see anything I wrote about the other aspects aside from 'who made the video'... YouTube fans that want to up their rankings or whatever, could just upload their own copies of a popular video, etc. etc.

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