Biggest Defence Contractor... You've Never Heard of.


We all know the feds are just a mafia with better buildings.

Alex Hamilton said it best: "Corruption is the grease of democracy."

Corporations create wealth. Governments create...nothing.

The leftist solution to every problem is to raise taxes and make government bigger.

You can't be against "corporate welfare" while wanting a larger "populist welfare" state.

They're both wealth redistribution schemes.



Well said. The lefties are blind to the full affects of the domoncratic eqaution:

welfare --> apathy --> dependancy --> despondency

Enslavement for the sake of votes.

The party of "inclusion" (Clinton and Edwards) and "The Great Society".

Line up and sign up!


"The leftist solution to every problem is to raise taxes and make government bigger."

What fantasy world do you live in? I mean, I know it helps you sleep at night if you keep repeating this mantra to yourself. Look at the facts. GOP majorities have lead to the biggest increases of gov't spending and GDP declines.

If Clinton did raise taxes it was to create a budget surplus. Believe it or not, in the long run that saves money and in the long run results in less tax burden to citizens. What do you think happens if you cut taxes and then run a decade of deficit spending and trade deficits to the tune of trillions?

Hello, the interest, T-Bills, deflation of the USD.. all add up to really make your brilliant tax cut cost a lot more to everyone.

The GOP solution to everything is to increase the size of gov't and ALL gov't programs, DHS is large that anything this gov't has ever seen (outside of military). Iraq is in the 660 Billion range.

I'd rather a good economy and some "welfare" programs, then crappy economy, major foreclosures and coming unemployment, national debt three times large than anything ever imagined in history.

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