Beto finds little to laugh about and says so

Short video of Beto O'Rouke talking to a crowd at a Mineral Wells rally. During his urging for common sense gun control, a man in biker cosplay displays deplorable behavior.

Beto replied in the only language the man likely could understand.

Its so strange that you can describe and discuss the murder of children with a machine gun, but the moment you say "motherfucker", thats the explicit part that "some may find offensive"

Maybe its time to grow the fuck up?


Too many far-right, birth-loving but life-hating people takes everything they hear literally on Fox/AON, their brains don't have the facility to process figurative thoughts. So, between the imagery of a person getting shot (which they dream & love to see all the time) and a person literally bedding his mother.... yeah, the latter IS more offensive.


Its so strange that you can describe and discuss the murder of children with a machine gun, but the moment you say "motherfucker", thats the explicit part that "some may find offensive"

Maybe its time to grow the fuck up?

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