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Behavioural Conditioning – The Evil Cat Wheel!!!


In operant conditioning, this is known as a 'fixed ratio schedule' where reinforcement (food) after a fixed number of responses (turns of the wheel) have been made (maintaining a fixed ratio between response rate and reinforcement rate).

In his early experiments using the Skinner box, B. F. Skinner made a surprising discovery. If he did not deliver food reward after every leverpress that his rat subjects made, the rate of leverpressing did not decrease and become irregular, as Skinner had expected, but (after a few hours of experience of the situation) increased and became more regular.

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thanks swampgirl i didn't spot that one, but i probably would have posted this anyway. i think its better - more explanation. it looks like it could be one of the same cats and the same wheel in both videos.. btw, is it ok to upvote and favourite your own submissions? I know its possible and other people do it, but is it generally seen as bad videosift etiquette or somesuch? i'm a newbie..


Yon Bengal has a lean and hungry look. He works too much: such cats are dangerous.

Yes, upvote your own video to help it get out of the queue. I don't see people favouriting their own posts, though.


when you favorite a post you accomplish one thing ... receiving an email from videosift notifying you that someone has added a comment ... so, favorite away!

some people favorite many, MANY posts ... others never favorite any.

we are in the process of building a catwalk for our babies!! i'll try to take a few pics once we have it all up and set!! they are great for indoor cats!

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