Barack Obama on The O'Reilly Factor Day 2


O'Reilly says he "interrupts to stop Obama being glib". Come on! It's really clear listening to this that he constantly interrupts because he wants to preach the republican viewpoint without listening to the answer.

If you're interviewing someone - that person shouldn't have to beg to be heard over your ranting.

He's not even asking questions he's just throwing accusations "You just wanna do this! you just wanna do that! you just wanna take my income and give it to illegal immigrants"

O'Reilly is playing the worlds smallest violin for rich people.


Actually, he's giving excuses to people who already agree with him to think Obama's misrepresenting the facts (and he's not).

Notice the unchallenged assertions that Bush both grew the economy more than Clinton, as well as the absolutely false assertion that all tax cuts generate tax revenue increases.

I'm not sure why Obama agreed to this interview, and I think the next part, where BillO is gonna ask all the juicy scandal questions (like is Trigg Palin really Bristol's daughter, or why she's been supporting a party advocating Alaska's secession from the United States, why she ordered her ex-brother-in-law's firing) that aren't really relevant (or factually based), but are great for smearing a politician's image.

Oh, and did I get my scandals mixed up? Damn, too bad they're already "out there", I guess we should ask about them, just 'cause, you know, "everyone" is talking about how Palin thinks Jews invite terrorist attacks by being unbelievers Obama is a muslim.


Bill is such douche. One on hand I want to upvote because I think what Obama has to say it important. On the other I want to skip because anything that gives Bill more air time just pisses me off, and I think Obama should have just skipped the bastard's interview, despite the all important coverage during the RNC.


Cant believe that.
Billo keeps painting tax increases on MEGA-WEALTHY to help those who cant even afford to eat 3 times a day, as socialist and immoral....

Sorry, what ??

Those mega-wealthy fucks cant afford to help the plebs who give them the CAPACITY TO BE RICH IN THE FIRST PLACE !?!??

If you got 30% of people living AT OR BELOW the poverty line, and you are a multi millionaire/billionaire, and you sit there and refuse to help them by paying a few hundred thousand more a year, then im sorry, someone has their ethics the wrong way around.

This is possibly the ONE place where limited socialism has HUGE benefits for a society.


Obama does a great job of holding his own again O'Reilly. I'm an Obama guy, but the redistribution of wealth he's talking about here is not being neighbourly when you're being forced to do it. It's neighbourly when you opt to do it because you want to. I'm all for the rich helping the poor, but not forcing them to do so; it's their money, and they earned it (if they made it illegally or immorally, that's a separate issue). I support most of Obama's platform, but this is another rare exception, despite the fact that I'm much closer to the poor category than the rich.


^ I favor a Steve Forbes flat tax, myself, where the wealthy can't hire people to hide their money.

Until this happens a recognition that the world isn't fair leads many to agree with requiring that the very successful pay a larger percentage into the collective. You can argue that its meant to even things out, but I think its more to collect as much as you can from those who can afford to give it.


It's really annoying how really wealthy people try to act like they have worked hard and worked harder than anyone else and so deserve the money.

For the wealthy, their money comes from invested inheritances and people who work for them while they sit on their asses.

McCain married into his money (although you can bet the son of an admiral's son of an admiral had some passed down cash). Bush inherited his.
Many republicans inherit wealth created years ago by exploiting slavery and immigrants that they hate so much.

BUT THEY DID NOT EARN IT. So why shouldnt they be taxed to help carry the load.

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