"Baisers de Nantes" face aux anti-mariage et adoption gay

A Marseille on Tuesday when a hundred people opposed to marriage and adoption for gays, gathered at the call of the Association Alliance Vita, two girls, hearing homophobic, decided to meet protesters kissing languidly in the middle of the group. It does not take much to create the buzz.


Those mad ol' French on the anti-gay side of the fence eagerly hustled those kissy-boys off pretty quick and no-one even flinched when they physically engaged them-Sorry-I would have had to stop kissing and hyperflex a knee or two....

PDA manifests as irritating exhibitionism most of the time but they were after-all, only kissing in public.


So the guy in the skinttight suit doing his little interpretative dance is *against* gay marriage?

Methinks he doth protest too much

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