Awesome Frisbee Trick Shots


I'll never understand the appeal of these videos.
Patience does not equal skill.
If they did it in one go I'd be properly impressed, but the works of Shakespeare can be produced by a monkey on a keyboard given enough time.
I'm impressed that they didn't get kicked out for messing around in the hall.


>> ^shole:

I'll never understand the appeal of these videos.
Patience does not equal skill.
If they did it in one go I'd be properly impressed, but the works of Shakespeare can be produced by a monkey on a keyboard given enough time.
I'm impressed that they didn't get kicked out for messing around in the hall.

Your point about Shakespearean monkeys works against your 'not impressive' conclusion imo, namely due to it potentially taking billions of trillions of years to achieve this goal, to which most monkeys and experiment evaluators do not have thus any short cuts are beneficial.

Specific reason being that because they put in the time and effort to achieve these mostly useless skills and video tape said skills, i now have a realistic idea of what the result would have been had i wasted my time on this task. So I'm impressed by my having gained the knowledge of the result of such endeavors without spending the much larger amount of time that is otherwise required, compared to just over 3 mins. Given a roughly estimated 80 years of life each if we're lucky, i think a few seconds of being impressed with their efforts is a reasonable position to take.

2:48 I liked that one

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