From "A recent Friday, 2:31 p.m.: Inka Siefker was packed and ready for a much-anticipated vacation to Paris when she got the call. A new reality TV show featuring potential Guinness World Records challengers invited her to try to break the mark for long-distance archery by a contortionist firing an arrow with her feet."
She hit a balloon in front of witnesses with her first shot using her feet---from 30 feet.
And now, she holds the world record for doing so.
The quote, BTW, refers to how it was said of Ginger Rogers' skill level as a dancer "she did everything Fred (Astaire) did backwards and in high heels"... Though I still might not volunteer to have her William-Tell-an-apple-off-my-head....
siftbotsays...Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, August 27th, 2013 12:01am PDT - promote requested by original submitter SFOGuy.
siftbotsays...The thumbnail image for this video has been updated - thumbnail added by eric3579.
SFOGuysays...Thank you, Eric3579!
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Anatomy) - requested by ant.
shatterdrosesays...Awesome story, but for crying out loud people the DSLR shallow DoF fad is getting old. Half the shots were out of focus and I'm pretty sure it was "artistic intent". Made it hard to pay attention to her story.
And note to self, if I see a girl upside down firing a bow and arrow with her feet . . . I should promptly hide as I'm pretty sure now she won't miss . . . . .
siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'Femme, skillful, sports, contortionist' to 'Femme, skillful, sports, contortionist, inka siefker' - edited by lucky760
SFOGuysays..."And note to self, if I see a girl upside down firing a bow and arrow with her feet . . . I should promptly hide as I'm pretty sure now she won't miss . . . . ."
hadn't thought of that, but---YES---
The deadly footbow ninja
Magicpantssays...Am I the only one bothered by the "High Heels" claim in the title? I mean it seems like a prerequisite to do any of the things she's doing is to be bare foot...
Still I get what the title is trying to say, so I'll just shut up now.
SFOGuysays...Sorry, Magicpants. I couldn't figure out something more clever in the moment and I wanted to make reference to Robin Hood and the feminist tradition of the Ginger Rogers...Maybe it should have been "She could do anything Robin Hood could do with her feet?" I dunno. Maybe I shouldn't have tried for clever.
Magicpantssays...No worries! I was more "geeky uptight" bothered by it then anything approaching being upset.
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