Another Church Accuses Obama

There is never a shortage of ignorance, is there.

>> ^ponceleon:
Love thy neighbor. Well, unless your neighbor doesn't agree with you in which case, spew hate-filled bigotry!
Woot! Religion!

Only reinforces once again my belief that 99% of religious people are hypocrites. They prove it time and time again. They don't even know or follow the contents of their own Bible when it's not convenient for their lifestyle/personal beliefs.

But hey, what do you expect from a bunch of people that believe in an imaginary being?


>> ^Irishman:
AD 1 - 2008

Uh, perhaps lumping all Christians in with these loons is... wrong? I can think of at least one Christian in America that quite disagrees with these crazed ignorant fools. He's gonna be president shortly.


>> ^anyprophet:
The problem is we let people self identify as Christians. If people were externally labeled as a function of their actions there would be far fewer Christians in the world.

Unfortunately for this idea, religious affiliation is based on faith and belief, which aren't observable qualities. In any case, I think this sort of thing self-regulates to a certain degree. If a person has a habit of saying things that you identify as crazy, misguided, poorly informed, whatever, then you're not going to give that person much credibility.


>> ^DavidRaine:
>> ^anyprophet:
The problem is we let people self identify as Christians. If people were externally labeled as a function of their actions there would be far fewer Christians in the world.

Unfortunately for this idea, religious affiliation is based on faith and belief, which aren't observable qualities. In any case, I think this sort of thing self-regulates to a certain degree. If a person has a habit of saying things that you identify as crazy, misguided, poorly informed, whatever, then you're not going to give that person much credibility.

I mean we would measure actions and not words. For example, if you supported California's prop 8 you probably don't pay much attention to what Jesus was preaching.

I understand that this will never happen. I'm just making a point. I think.


>> ^Ornthoron:
Amid my facepalming, I at least find it reassuring that the young evangelicans are not as bigoted as their parents.

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

We have a video here of some ignorant bigots(that happen to be evangelical) condemning Obama for being a Muslim. Going on to state that all evangelicals are bigots(as most of this thread seems intent on) only shows the posters own bigoted attitude towards evangelicals.

For all those ignorant bigots that condemn Obama as a muslim, you need to know that he is in fact a Christian.

For all those ignorant bigots that condemn Evangelicals as bigots, Obama is not merely a Christian, but his religious affiliation is with the United Church of Christ, an EVANGELICAL denomination!


Yeah! Let's blame all religion for the religious nut jobs. It's obviously religion that makes people into hateful bigots and nut jobs. While we're at it, let's also blame all money for making people greedy and all politics for making people power hungry oppressors and all food for making people gluttons. Because clearly it's always the means that should receive full blame for the ends! Isn't that common sense? Group-think FTW!!

Or maybe... people are just screwed up to begin with. Maybe money just attracts the greedy, politics attracts the power hungry, religious ideas attract extremists, food attracts gluttons. Maybe these things don't corrupt people, but rather, just give expression to their inherent flaws. Maybe that's what that Jesus guy was talking about in that whole "Sermon on the Mount" speech he gave. Eh?

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