Amazing Footage of Iraqi Sandstorm


Why did I get this feeling of impending doom about a minute into it?

One thing I love is the universal "are you taking a picture", "no, I'm recording video" exchange. It's true - it's heard hte world over.

And "damn" is correct... that can't be good for the electronics.


Even a glancing view through the topmost portion of the approaching cloud transmits no hint of the variations of sky brightness above the cloud. It looks pretty opaque. A person turns on a handheld flashlight around 2:13


You're right, parra. I think it would be really easy for these mashup artists to extend this film, make it go even darker and then make some serious s%#T hit the fan. First the screams and weird noises, then some clips from "Pitch Black" would shoehorn right in.


Yep, that's the least of what I was expecting. That or, I dunno, seeing the vicious winds tearing peoples' skin apart or raging whirling plumes of sand whipping peoples' eyeballs into jelly.

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