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kronosposeidonsays...Sweet Jesus, there is nothing beyond the pale for these fuckers anymore.
Would one of our psychic sifters please hold a séance with me? I want you to summon the ghosts of the Founding Fathers, so I can yell at them. Forget about asking them what the afterlife is like, I just want them to listen to me bitching about taxes.
longdesays...Can someone give me some insight into when the 1st amendment ends and treason/sedition begins?
This guy should be in chains for promulgating this violent rhetoric.
vaporlocksays...Small oppressed businesses like BP, AT&T, Wallmart, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, General Electric, Bank of America, etc, etc, etc...
kronosposeidonsays...I just talked to the ghost of George Washington, and he told me, "Gather your put down this tax rebellion."
siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, June 14th, 2010 11:28am PDT - promote requested by kronosposeidon.
Drachen_Jagersays...What an idiot/lunatic.
The revolution was not about a tea tax. Open up a book. The problem wasn't the tax, it was the fact that the tax applied to American companies but did not apply to the British East India Company, so, in fact it was a problem where government allowed one extremely large and powerful company to re-write the laws in it's favour... Sound like any country we know of today?
The tax wasn't the problem, even big business wasn't the real problem. The problem was lobbyists.
Also, the tax wasn't the only problem, it, like Arch Duke Ferdinand, was just the trigger, not the gun.
quantumushroomsays...There is nothing in this ad to suggest violent revolution, but it's quite possible there will be a violent revolution in the next 20 years. All the ingredients are there: apathetic, unresponsive government, obeisant State-Run media, government-controlled dummy factories aka "publick schools", massive out-of-control spending and ZERO accountability from the elected.
The very tyrannical federal thugverment the Antebellum South afeared has now been a reality for over 60 years. There is no aspect of modern life that petty UNelected DC bureaucrats are not investigating, legislating and regulating. Liberty has slowly been supplanted by false security.
So yeah, don't rule out a revolution of some kind.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." --JFK
blankfistsays...@vaporlock. Yes, big corporations are exactly what people mean when they say "small business". I seriously sighed out loud reading that.
Look, I'm not saying this politician has the right idea or even knows enough about history and governmental policy to make a positive effect for small businesses, but it certainly doesn't take a genius to spot the shrinking middle class and how most jobs in the US are corporate jobs which is a fairly new phenomenon.
dystopianfuturetodaysays...Conservatives love a particularly fascist quote by Thomas Jefferson: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. This feels like it's coming from the same place.
bananafonesays..."You protested a tax cut! We're protesting imaginary taxes! Don't you see the similarities!?!"
blankfistsays...>> ^kronosposeidon:
I just talked to the ghost of George Washington, and he told me, "Gather your put down this tax rebellion."
That old chestnut, huh? The federal government was in incredible debt after the Revolutionary war, and if I'm not mistaken that's what prompted that tax (too lazy to look into it now). I believe GW's justification was that they now had representation so the taxes were justified. It's an excise tax, so I do think he's justified in placing that tax. I think it's income tax the teabaggers are claiming to take issue with.
Also GW passed into the law this gem shortly after the Whiskey Tax, so he has always been one of my least favorite Framers to cite for shining examples of federal political precedence. Adams isn't a great one either.
But jefferson? Straight up happy wiener rubs for that motherfucker!
kronosposeidonsays...@blankfist, Barber cites the tea tax - an excise tax - as an injustice comparable to the income tax, and just as worthy of rebellion, yet the Whiskey Rebellion was also about an excise tax. So if he wants to trot out the tea tax, then he might as well know that the very same Founding Ghost Father at the table who said, "Gather your armies" had no problem with excise taxes, nor squashing any tax rebellions. Whether he is or isn't your favorite Founding Father is besides the point. These assholes are elevating all the Founding Fathers to demigod status, so let the truth about these giants from a long-forgotten golden age be told.
And personally I'd prefer wiener rubs with Alexander Hamilton. He was such a bad boy!
blankfistsays...@kronosposeidon. You're a hamiltonian? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WTF, KP?! Seriously!
I agree. The tea tax was an excise tax, but I did make that distinction about representation being the decided difference between the whiskey tax and the tea tax. Though, can you really say GW squashed the tax rebellion? He pardoned all of them. Just goes to show how much less draconian the early union laws were back then.
And, yes, I'm also tired of people creating statuesque gods of the Framers. If people ever took the time to read a book or two on them they'd know they were hugely flawed men.
kronosposeidonsays...^No, GW didn't really 'squash' them, but he sure as hell was prepared to do it if necessary. He raised a militia of over 10,000 men (too lazy to google the exact number), ready to put it down if necessary. It was a politically expedient move to pardon them all. I think it was a good thing too.
I'm really just sick of all these twats invoking the Founding Fathers left and right, like they wouldn't have done one SINGLE thing differently if they were alive now. You know Jefferson would SO hook up with Beyoncé (and who could blame him? Rowr.)
savethecirclepitsays...Wait, wait, wait just one minute. Now this guy is running to become part of the government and at the same time advocating an armed take over of the government. So if he gets elected will he be out front of his new office with a gun trying to shoot himself?
Congressman Barber: "now that the Tea Party has gained strength we can finally stick it to The Man."
Congressional Aide: "but sir, you are The Man"
Congressman Barber: "don't bother me with details boy. just grab a musket and charge!"
I think Sybil comes to mind.
rougysays...Man...the cons fail to steal one stinking election and they go postal.
NetRunnersays...@blankfist, why is it anytime there's a video of some right wing nut making thinly veiled or overt threats of violence against the government, you're always coming to their defense?
I mean, you're pretty much saying that the teabaggers have more reason to start a revolution than the original American revolutionaries did (and the Whiskey-baggers) because those silly people were protesting mere use taxes.
You even defended the quip about small businesses. I'm assuming you just don't pay enough attention to conservative political strategy to notice that they always couch their defense of big business as really being a defense of small business. For example, their argument against lifting the $75 mil cap on damages for oil spills was because it would -- wait for it -- hurt small "independent" oil drillers.
It's the way Republicans try to evoke pathos, by acting as though the biggest victims in all the world are business owners, the people who're in the top income tax bracket, and white men who have the word "racist" leveled at them in any way, for any reason.
blankfistsays...@NetRunner. I agree with you. Republicans tend to vote for Corporatist interests. I'm against any cap on liability for any corporation. And when most Republican politicians argue for small business, they seem to really embolden the big businesses.
I don't think that's true for all Republicans, just the majority. The same goes for Democrats who tend to be pro-Corporatist, as well, except for people like Grayson, Kucinich and Gravel. I don't know anything about this Alabama Tea Partier, so I can't say whether or not he believes in what he says, but I like his message of smaller government and less taxes. I'm not an idiot; I know they all say that. That's why I don't vote for them.
I was arguing more for the platform than for this particular guy.
direpicklesays...@NetRunner and @blankfist: That is the most reasonable exchange I've seen from you guys. Mad props!
NetRunnersays...@blankfist, ahh, I see, so not supporting Rick Barber, just impeaching Obama and gathering an army to fight the government because of the income tax?
I like small business too, but it's not exactly the main thing about this ad that jumps out at me.
My concern here is with this whole attitude on the right that the election of Obama signaled the end of their acceptance of democracy, and that now their only recourse is to take up arms against their own country.
As someone who supposedly abhors violence, you should be a bit more disgusted, and a lot less supportive.
blankfistsays...It's the way revolts work, NR. They're inherently violent. I'd prefer a peaceful evolution to a freer, voluntary society, but that may just be a pipe dream. Maybe civil disobedience isn't enough?
I think it's great a many of the nation has such ire and contempt for the Federal government. If we can educate them how unconstitutional our government has been for the past century, I think they'd be less inclined to ride that Republican elephant any longer.
vaporlocksays...After 8 years of Bush, Republican politicians should just drop the "Small Business" rhetoric. It's just not believable.
Anyone who suggests "impeaching Obama" with this amount of hostility is a few short to begin with.
Ryjkyjsays...Just because some white, well-to-do, republicans don't want to pay their taxes does not mean there's going to be a revolution QM.
Tea-baggers are just upset because they voted for Bush. Now that he's out they can all say, "oh, I didn't support Bush but that doesn't mean I like Obama". No, they just voted for bush, and are now taking out their feelings of embarrassed aggression on the new white house. They are trying too hard because they want people to be distracted from the fact that the candidate they voted for almost destroyed their country.
Well, that's how the ones who can read feel at least.
quantumushroomsays...If you discount blaming Bush, liberals only have two solutions for everything: crying racism and raising taxes.
Neither works.
Henry Morgenthau was the Treasury Secretary under Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In 1939, Secretary Morgenthau was testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee and said the following:
''We have tried spending money. We have spent more money than we have ever spent before. Now, after 8 years of this (the Roosevelt administration) ''we have an unemployment rate that is just as high today as it was when we started, and we have an enormous debt to boot!''
But don't worry, Odumbo Hussein will do the exact same thing as tyrant FDR and everything will be all right!
Face the mirror, Obamafans. You were lied to by the media responsible for vetting this guy, then you elected a dud who has actually brought us closer to the brink of tyranny than any Bush fantasy. Greece is the logical outcome of rampant, unchecked liberalism.
If you're going to shit on the individual and take away his rights and property in the name of some mythical "common good" that rewards sloth, why would you even act surprised by the productive fighting back?
November 2010 we'll see if the people deserve to remain free.
Truckchasesays...Alabama Marriage Laws
Are cousin marriages legal?
Yes, cousin marriages are allowed.
NetRunnersays...@blankfist but have they exhausted every peaceful means available to them to affect change?
They're not even engaging in civil disobedience as far as I've seen, they're just publicly threatening violence if they don't get their way immediately.
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