ABC News Special about the end of the world -- if we don't change our ways.

ALEXA DANNER, ABC News: It's an idea that most of us would rather not face — that within the next century, life as we know it could come to an end. Our civilization could crumble, leaving only traces of modern human existence behind.

It seems outlandish, extreme — even impossible. But according to cutting edge scientific research, it is a very real possibility. And unless we make drastic changes now, it could very well happen.

Experts have a stark warning: that unless we change course, the "perfect storm" of population growth, dwindling resources and climate change has the potential to converge in the next century with catastrophic results.

In order to plan for the worst, we must anticipate it. In that spirit, guided by some of the world's experts, ABC News' "Earth 2100," hosted by Bob Woodruff, will journey through the next century and explore what might be our worst-case scenario.

But no one can predict the future, so how do we address the possibilities that lie ahead? Our solution is Lucy, a fictional character devised by the producers at ABC to guide us through the twists and turns of what the next 100 years could look like. It is through her eyes and experiences that we can truly imagine the experts' worst-case scenario — and be inspired to make changes for the better.


Over population, sure;

Resource depletion is mostly to blame on manufactures, we use what they produce and make us think we want - I directly attribute a lot of our wastefulness to over-packaging, disposable products and advertising;

As for climate change, that's a farce I'm not ready to believe, We can't control that. The earth has forever continued to evolve in cycles and it directly related to the heat from the sun and gravitational pull from the moon. Fifty years ago, they were complaining we were heading into another ice age and now the complaints are we're having a meltdown.

As far as worldwide chaos and destruction, I just can't see it.

I agree, there are always better ways to use our recourses, and the technology is there. It is up to the manufacturers and our governments to implement and use these alternatives and do it in a way that is economical to the general public. Have you ever noticed that the Green Choice always costs a few dollars more? If they made the right choice a few dollars less, that's what everyone would choose and the old way would become a way of the past.

I could write a book filled with all of my opinion but I'll stop now before this turns rant...
Whatever the issues are though, It's still communication through "fear." It is "Worst Case Scenario" mentality. They are trying to scare us into complying. They want us to take up the banner and spend all our resources to battle these wrongs in society.

I just think that most of us tow the line, if they actually want to change things, they need to START with governments and manufacturing, and we will continue to follow. But what they really want is to keep us busy, a population that gets bored and complacent start to think too independently, so they give us little projects to occupy our time.

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