A Letter from HELL!

Warning: This video is a mental abuse video intended to scare the living shit out of kids, if you have kids, go see "John Rambo" instead.

Godtube description:

The "Letter from Hell" is from our 2006 lake trip. This is intended for believers as it DOES NOT COMPLETELY DEPICT THE GOSPEL. This is not meant as a scare tactic. Watch it for what is worth, but don't condemn it before you read this disclaimer. Thanks

I consider myself to be a Christian and have deep rooted faith in God. And this shit pisses me off. The kind of Christians who put this shit together are the ones responsible for the term "bible thumper" and the reputation of being nuts. Upvote for the terrible and im glad to see that you recognize that, BRM. But the truth is that these are nothing more than scare tactics, and I'm glad you pegged that one also. These people twist the truth and state that anyone who does not believe in Jesus will burn in Hell for all eternity. That is such a load of donkey shit. If those fucks ever read the damn bible they would know it.


The description on RichardDawkins.net reads: "A Letter From Hell

You've heard of the "Jesus Camp" and "Hell House" scare tactics used on children? Well, here's another addition to this unfortunate list. My 12 year old son (a non-believer all by himself, without any help from me) was given this link by a school friend who's going around trying to convert his classmates to Christianity. This video "A Letter From Hell" is a truly frightening, scare-the-kids-into-believing 'message'. A warning: It will both anger and sicken you.

Humbly submitted for your viewing displeasure,
~Carmine Bello
(Double Bass Atheist)"

Pretty lame that kids are sending this to kids. Can't they just be left alone until they are old enough to make up their own minds.


Y'know what...I'ma start saying a couple prayers now and then. Build up a few brownie points, just in case I end up with a loada egg on my face when Saint Peter takes a look at me and smirks:

"Atheist, eh? Bet you feel like a right tit now..."

But seriously, that was fucking horrible.


AAAAaaaaHAHAHAHAH!!!! That was great! Pretty well made/voice-acted too! That stuff's not easy. It's pretty hard to sell crap like:


"Why didn't you tell me Zack? Why didn't you tell me about this... Jesus?"

That line killed me! Especially after he says, "I can smell the brimstone!" As if that's a term that non-Christians just go throwing around. As in: "What are you guys talking about? Je-what? Oh hey! Did you see that great National Geographic picture of all the brimstone!?!?"

Has anyone here not heard of Jesus?
OK, I'm going to save some people a lot of trouble:


There you go. I don't want any f@%!ing letters from any lakes of f%@#ing fire alright? Hear me? Oh... wait. I won't be getting any.



How does this differ from say a Muslim zealot? Religion is a dead concept. God put us on this planet to experience life. Heaven and Hell.......Umm yea?? God does not concern her or himself with issues of a mortal existence, (right or wrong, bad or good) You sin you burn?? Please............


Here we go with the christians coming on and saying 'well i'm a christian and i don't think like that'

well guess what, this is what religion is, this is what religion does, this is what you signed up for and this is what you belong to.

You actually disgust me.

While some of us have evolved to the point where we actually have thoughts in our head, thoughts and reasoning and a built in guiding light and sense of fair play, morals and human decency WITHOUT having to resort to a fucking book, ALL christians are enabling this child abuse that you see in this video by continuing to belong to and support what long ago become a corrupt and evil religion.

Don't even listen to me. Listen to yourself. YOU are right.


Wow, everyone's an asshole in this one - Zack for not proselytizing to his friend about Jesus, Josh for wishing his "friend" was with him in hell, the angels for just doing their jobs, and god for creating such a fucking moronic system.

What a wonderful metaphysical world these christians inhabit.


if proselytizers are the folks that are on the "book of life," then Heaven seems like a pretty lame place to go. All the decent people who maintain a "live and let live" code of ethics seem to go to Hell. Well, if that's the case, then Hell seems like the wise choice.


"There was one thing Zack held back from Josh... his personal relation relationship with Jesus Christ"

If I had a personal relationshp with a guy that died a long time ago, I would probably keep that to myself as well.

"It's more real than my life on earth"

Ok, first impressions: I would rather upvote a nazi propaganda video than upvoting this. I've said before that I would rather upvote things so that idiocy and fallacies are laid bare, but this is just grotesque. Damn you religious zealots, damn you straight to hell! Send me a postcard, you wacko.
(This is not intended directly at anyone here, just, you know, generally.)


Nice production, pity its claptrap.
All i got from this is that God is a prick. He makes you in his own image, gives you rational thought, but if you dont believe in him youll go to hell. Ha.... kinda like telling someone you are making brownies for their birthday, then informing they cant have one...
Guess all of Japan is going to hell.


>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Why does God create people to not believe in him, and then punish them for it?

God created people and gave them the ability to make choices. It's up to us to make the right ones.

I can't wait to watch this... being born into a Catholic family & having spent 4 years in a strict catholic school (at a young and impressionable age, no less) this is sure to bring back horrific memories of being accosted by nuns with metal tipped yardsticks and rulers.


>> ^Trancecoach:
>> ^JAPR:
Don't throw a Mormon tag on there, this is NOT done by them and has no affiliation with them.

I think it says "Moron" not "Mormon" but I can see how you can get those two confused.

OH GOD lol. Sorry, I'm a bit tired lol. Totally my bad, I thought it said "mormons" and was like


Wow... I finally got to watch this, and I've gotta say; those are some well thought out scare tactics there.
What I find particularly amusing is that Josh has heard of Hell, knew it was called the Lake of Fire, but never heard of Jesus?
Unless Josh's parents kept him in a closet, and tied a blindfold around his eyes, and deafened his ears when he went to school, Josh couldn't possibly have missed hearing about Jesus.
References to God and Jesus are in nearly everything we see on a daily basis, they're constantly on the news, if you've got cable, how could you possibly miss the "God channels" while you're flipping through, looking for something to watch?
Even if you were taught at a young age to avoid Jesus, the Bible, and the everything to do with God, you would want to know why... your curiosity would get the better of you one day... you would read something, watch something, listen to someone.
Not to mention that those people go out and actively seek out new members as avidly as any other religious group.

Even the President makes references to God.

This is just sick, twisted bulls**t... and I'd like those people who made this to remember what Jesus said to his disciples;

Luke 14:33 (RSV) "Whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple."

So, you modern followers of God and Jesus; cast off your BMWs, cast off your cable shows, cast off your million dollar homes... if you're going to claim devotion, show us your devotion.


When I was a kid, I used to have an imaginary friend, and I used to think that he went everywhere whith me, and that I can talk to him and he could hear me,and he could grant me wishes and stuff.

And then I grew up, and stopped going to Church...


"God created people and gave them the ability to make choices. It's up to us to make the right ones."

Yeah, yeah free will and crap. God isn't all knowing if he didn't know what you were going to choose in the first place. And if he knew, then he literally created some people who just go straight to hell. The argument doesn't make sense. But then again...

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